28th February 2025

Dear Families, Welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term. Thank you for your understanding this week at Sand Hutton over the burst pipe. After their visit on Wednesday, they have managed to partially fix the heating with the exception of the Classroom 3...

14th February 2025

Dear Families, February Half term seems to have come around fast! I hope you are looking forward to some family time. It always feels like the days are getting longer and we can feel the beginnings of Spring. We have had a busy half term and we are mindful that World...

31st January 2025

Dear Families, First of all, an apology for a couple of dry weeks newsletter wise. The week before last you received your online safety update for the month and last week was quite a Friday! Thank you for your understanding. We continue to face some weather associated...

10th January 2025

Dear Families, Happy New Year and welcome back to the start of the Spring Term. We all hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas break. Already busy busy busy on the first week back starting with a mid-week trip to Sheffield Arena for Young Voices 2025! This is...

Christmas Newsletter 20th December 2024

Dear Families, HAPPY CHRISTMAS! We have made it! The end of term has arrived and I hope that you are all looking forward to a happy festive family time with loved ones. Thank you for your thoughtful and generous gifts, for the staff room and for individual members of...

13th December 2024

Dear Families, We are racing towards Christmas now and I feel that it has fully started. Monday evening saw the Warthill children enjoying a Christmas themed cinema night. Thank you to FOWS for arranging this and providing snacks for the children to enjoy. The next...

29th November 2024

Dear Families, I can’t believe that we have already reached the end of November. Where has this term gone? Please see attached the December Safeguarding newsletter. We know that 2 classes at Sand Hutton enjoyed some outdoor visits away from school this week. They were...

Online Safety Newsletter November 2024

Do you need suggestions on age appropriate games? You could use either of the following websites to search suitable games. Remember, PEGI rates the gameplay so whilst it is important to review age ratings, you must also check if it has a communication feature as this...

15th November 2024

Dear Families, We have had a really lovely week this week and we have positively noticed lots and so have the children in one another. They may come home with coloured bands attached to their book bags etc, so that you know what they have been noticed doing well....

8th November 2024

Dear Families, Welcome back to the half term that leads us into Christmas! I hope that you were able to relax a little over the break. I do have quite a number of pieces of information to share with you today. Firstly, another thank you. Our many shoeboxes have been...


24th October 2024

Dear Families, We have made it to the end of a very long half term and I know that your children are tired. I hope that you have a restful half term planned before we begin the Christmas Term. We have had a really fabulous time throughout this, our well-being week....

18th October 2024

Dear Families,   What a lovely week we have had again! We managed to find a brief window of sunshine on Saturday for our BIG HELP OUT at Sand Hutton.   We managed to get lots of weeding, planting, clearing and tidying done before the heavens opened and we...

11th October 2024

Dear Parents, I hope some of you were fortunate enough to witness the Northern Lights this week! What a treat! We have had another packed week in our schools and have much to share with you both in showing you what we have been doing and making you aware of the plans...

27th September 2024

Dear Families, Well, another busy week for all our children and staff in the federation. On Wednesday we were visited by a group of ladies from Yorkshire Water who delivered a Lego STEM session for Class 3 at Sand Hutton and Junior Class at Warthill. The activities...

24th September 2024

Dear Families, I hope that you found the safeguarding leaflet in bookbags on Friday useful. The QR codes are quick links to helpful information. Last week was such a busy week in both our schools and this week has begun in much the same way. It was lovely to see so...

Online Safety Newsletter September 2024

Social Media Algorithms What is an Algorithm? Algorithms influence what we see on social media platforms and predicts what type of content we are most likely to interact with, thereby keeping us online for longer. The algorithm uses information such as who you follow,...

13th September 2024

Dear Families, I hope that you have already settled into, or back into, the school routine. We have certainly been very pleased to welcome so many families back either informally at the beginning and end of days or if you attended either of the Flying Start events....

5th September 2024

Dear Families, Welcome Back to Autumn Term 2024! Welcome to all our new starters in both our schools. New beginnings have gone exceptionally well and our new Reception and Nursery children already look as though they have always been here! I hope you all had an...