Sand Hutton & Warthill Church of England Federated Primary School

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Should you require copies of governor meeting minutes please contact the school office.

This video which many of you saw at the Flying Start meeting, supports our approach to challenging children to meet their potential.

Feedback Video

Should you require copies of governor meeting minutes please contact the school office.

Open evening at Sand Hutton and Warthill - Wednesday 2nd October 5pm - 6pm


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Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.            1 Corinthians 13                                

These Christian values guide the everyday actions of each member of our school family, allowing us all to be The Best We Can Be.
Both our schools are central to village communities east of York. While each school maintains an individuality, pertinent to their community it, it shares has a strong bond and identity with the other. We find opportunities to work alongside one another; staff, parents and children. We share many experiences which enrich the education of our pupils.

Both schools are fortunate in having attractive and spacious grounds, providing extensive areas for play. We can use these for outdoor activities and forest schools. We have been previously been awarded National Lottery Grants and have used these to extend our spaces, in both settings, allowing us to make full use of our exciting environment.

Our schools teach a creative, broad balanced curriculum that engages children and aims to develop a lifelong love of learning.

We believe in presenting the children with lively, first hand experiences through visits and visitors in school to bring learning alive to demonstrate how learning prepares us for life in the world in which we live.  Our curriculum encourages excellence and enjoyment whilst providing opportunities for the children to be ‘the best they can be’.

Children’s progress is carefully tracked and monitored to ensure each child fulfils their potential in all areas of learning.  Accurate assessment ensures each child is appropriately guided and supported to develop and succeed in their learning.  Children’s successes are recognised and celebrated.

Our curriculum is based around the National Curriculum 2014.

We love to read and we love to share our love for reading. We learn to read so we can read to learn.

We are proud of our federation of schools and welcome showing visitors around. Should you wish to visit, please make an appointment through our offices and the office managers will arrange times where I will be able to give you as much time as you need to find out all about us.

We look forward to meeting you soon.
Beverley Pawson


Welcome to the Sand Hutton & Warthill Church of England Federated School Website

Mission Statement, Ethos and Values

The school embraces aims and values which are always at the heart of everything we do in school. The children are asked to consider what they mean in terms of their everyday actions; essentially actions and not words.

The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief. It seeks to develop the full potential of all children in a caring environment which values all its members.

Our school is a family of children, staff, parents, governors and friends who all share a commitment to putting universal Christian values at the centre of our daily lives, in all our actions, in all that we think, say or do.

  • Love and Respect-We care and share and treat others as we would like to be treated
  • Responsibility and courage-We are brave enough to admit when we make mistakes.
  • Self-control and Moderation-We know the effect our actions can have on others.
  • Honesty and Integrity-We are honest and trust each other.
  • Kindness and Compassion-We are polite and helpful.
  • Contentment and Thankfulness-We recognise how fortunate we are.
  • Patience and Perseverance-We try hard, have a go and don’t give up.
  • Peace and Humility-We appreciate quiet and reflection.
  • Loyalty and Commitment-We are fair and know what makes a good friend.
  • Forgiveness and Justice -We understand and forgive each other.
  • Hope-We are positive, resilient and forward looking

To learn and to grow and ‘to be the best we can be’

In partnership with

Designated Safeguarding Lead- Beverley Pawson

Deputy Safeguarding Lead- Catherine Naylor