Term Dates

Sand Hutton & Warthill Church of England Primary Schools

Holiday Dates for 2023 / 2024

School Closes

School Re-opens

Autumn 2023 Friday 21st July 2023 Tuesday 5th September 2023
Half Term Friday 27th October 2023 Monday 6th November 2023
Christmas 2023 Friday 22nd December 2023 Tuesday 9th January 2024
Half Term Friday 9th February 2024 Monday 19th February 2024
Easter 2024 Friday 22nd March 2024 Tuesday 9th April 2024
May Bank Holiday Friday 3rd May 2024 Tuesday 7th May 2024
Half Term Thursday 23rd May 2024 Monday 3rd June 2024
Summer 2024 Friday 19th July 2024


Staff Training Days:

Monday 4th September 2023 Monday 8th January 2024 Monday 8th April 2024
Friday 24th May 2024 Monday 22nd July 2024

KS2 SATs for Year 6 pupils will take place during early May 2024.

Parents are asked not to take family holidays during term time because absence from school affects their children’s education.

Holiday Dates for 2024 – 2025

                                                       School Closes School Re-opens
Autumn 2024 Friday 19th July 2024 Tuesday 3th September 2024 (Y1-Y6)
New Reception children start Wed. 4th Sept.
Half Term Thursday 24th October 2024 Monday 4th November 2024
Christmas 2024 Friday 20th December 2024 Tuesday 7th January 2025
Half Term Friday 14th February 2025 Monday 24th February 2025
Easter 2025 Friday 4th April 2025 Tuesday 22nd April 2025
May Bank Holiday Friday 2nd May 2025 Tuesday 6th May 2025
Half Term Friday 23rd May 2025 Monday 2nd June 2025
Summer 2025 Friday 18th July 2025

Staff Training Days:

Monday 2nd September 2024 Friday 25th October 2024             Monday 6th January 2025                     
Monday 21st July 2025                   Tuesday 22nd July 2025

KS2 SATs for Year 6 pupils will take place during early May 2025.

Parents are asked not to take family holidays during term time because absence from school affects their children’s education.

Please note on the dates in red, school closes early at 2pm and there is no After school club those days

Holiday Dates for 2025 – 2026

School Closes School Re-opens
Autumn 2025 Friday 18th July 2025 Tuesday 2nd September 2025 (Y1-Y6)
New Reception children start Wed. 3rd Sept.
Half Term Thursday 23rd October 2025 Monday 3rd November 2025
Christmas 2025 Friday 19th December 2025 Tuesday 6th January 2026
Half Term Thursday 12th February 2026 Monday 23rd February 2026
Easter 2026 Friday 27th March 2026 Monday 13th April 2026
May Bank Holiday Friday 1st May 2026 Tuesday 5th May 2026
Half Term Friday 22nd May 2026 Monday 1st June 2026
Summer 2026 Friday 17th July 2026

Staff Training Days:

Monday 1st September 2025
Friday 24th October 2025
Monday 5th January 2026
Friday 13th February 2026
Monday 20th July 2026

KS2 SATs for Year 6 pupils will take place during early May 2026.

Parents are asked not to take family holidays during term time because absence from school affects their children’s education.

Please note on the dates in red, school closes early at 2pm and there is no After school club those days.