Sand Hutton Ofsted Report

May 9, 2024

Dear Families,

We are absolutely delighted to be able to share Sand Hutton’s latest Ofsted report. As you may be aware, Sand Hutton was the subject of a short inspection just over a year ago and subsequently there was the decision to return, within 12-24 months of the report publication, to carry out a full graded inspection.

The current framework is a very exacting process with a safeguarding and curriculum focus. Small schools face challenges in the construction of a broad and balanced curriculum which are more easily overcome where there are single year group only classes. However, the report recognises the success school has had in achieving its ambitious, personalised and adaptive curriculum and how this is effective in mixed age classes and for all pupils including those with SEND; this extends from phonics through reading, writing and Mathematics and into the wider curriculum. We are pleased that the work we had invested in articulating the complexities of this already established and effective curriculum has made it easier for visitors to understand relatively quickly. While inspectors speak to staff, governors and representatives from the LA and Diocese, they draw their conclusions regarding the efficacy of the school, predominately from the answers children give to their wide range of questions and the observations they make throughout their visit, during and beyond formal teaching time.

In verbal feedback over the two-day process, a huge amount of credit was given to the commitment of staff, the behaviour for learning exhibited by pupils and the overwhelming support from families which was expressed through the parent view process. On the first day, the inspector who watched our children at play together at breaktime described this time of the day as ‘gorgeous’ and ‘energetic yet calm’. He further enthused about the way older children modelled exemplary behaviour to younger children in all aspects of school life. The lead inspector also described Class 1 as ‘just lovely’ as she oversaw our children learning through play and in small adult supported groups. These adjectives describe a sense of our atmosphere and ethos which are challenging to quantify without experiencing them. Both inspectors praised the way in which all children learn to read and how they become fluent readers as they journey through school. The report is such a brief summary of their experience and I am happy to share more informal feedback given if

requested. However, we are especially proud of these statements within which we are able to recognise the vision we have all shared for both our schools:

· This is a truly inclusive school where pupils flourish.

· Pupils’ behaviour is exceptional. They show respect for adults and each other.

· Pupils benefit from the careful approach to the curriculum which helps pupils to learn in mixed-age classes effectively.

· Pupils, including those with SEND, are effectively supported by adults to achieve well. Adults’ strong subject knowledge enables them to explain new concepts clearly and pick up misconceptions. Teachers adapt resources and support. They teach with confidence

· In Early Years…Leaders review the setting constantly. Children make connections across the curriculum. They are engaged in their learning.

· The school also seeks effective support from services within the local authority. This helps them in their drive for continuous improvement.


You expressed your love for the school and your faith in the provision through Parentview. Some of the observations, although anonymous, were shared with me. Thank you for these comments. You must be pleased, as we are, that this is recognised in the report.

I was encouraged to see that the inspection team recognised the love and pride shown towards to the school from all members of the school community and the impact this has on our ability to strive towards out motto, ‘the best we can be’. It is a team effort and the team has many different members for whom we are incredibly grateful.

I am grateful for the suggestions in the report as to where we look next to improve as this is something we actively seek. The previous report set out a suggested path linked to phonics and the entire federation has benefited from the clear and concise objectives. We were able to make rapid adjustments to address these, to good effect. As adults we too seek to be ‘the best we can be’.

Please see attached, the report and it comes with my thanks to all of you for the support you have shown each and every one of us in a variety of ways.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools