Newsletter 15th March 2024

Mar 19, 2024

Dear Families,

It has been a very busy week in our schools this week and we have hosted the first of our Parents’ Evenings at Sand Hutton.

As promised, though a little later than suggested, I have included some photos of recent events on a separate letter. These are being shared with parents with no names attached and this document will not be on the website. Some photos with no identifiable pupils can also be found on Twitter or X as it is called.

As always Parents’ Evening at Sand Hutton was a pleasant event with many smiling faces. We enjoy celebrating the progress of our pupils. We look forward to similar next week at Warthill, on Tuesday.

This week we said goodbye to our students on placement in both schools. Miss Colligon left us from Warthill and Mr Craven left Sand Hutton. However, a stroke of luck means that Mr Craven will remain with the federation team and will be joining the Warthill Junior Class after Easter. The children will have already met him as he has been delivering lessons when both school merge on a Monday afternoon.

As we head towards Easter there are fun activities ahead for both schools. On Sunday, we are holding our third Big Help Out at Sand Hutton and we are grateful for anyone who is able to join us no matter how briefly. Dig out your wellies….it may be wet underfoot. However, the weather looks to be warm and dry at the moment, if not quite sunny. We can only hope!

At Warthill, there is a cinema evening on Monday, arranged by FOWs, after school. These are always well attended and a super treat for our children, thank you. At Sand Hutton the PTA have booked a Magician Event which sounds exciting and this will take place on Wednesday 20th March, also after school.

All these fun activities are in addition to our Easter Services which will take place for both schools on Thursday 21st March, 9am at Warthill Church and 2pm at Sand Hutton Church. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Finally, next Friday being the end of a full term means that schools close at 2pm.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend, whatever you have planned.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools