Newsletter 12th April 2024

Apr 12, 2024

Dear Families,

Welcome back after the Easter holidays and welcome to our Nursery children who have settled in to Sand Hutton like they have always been there!

First of all, I have some wonderful news. Mrs Madge is happy for me to share that she is expecting a baby! This is extremely exciting for her and us of course! Currently, she is feeling well and so expecting to see out this academic year. There will inevitably be changes for September. In order to minimize change for both of our schools as much as possible, Mrs Naylor will step in to the role of Junior Class lead at Warthill and Mrs Smith will take on Class 2 at Sand Hutton full time. Mrs Madge will have shared her exciting news with the children when they come out of school.

On a different matter, Mrs Smith would like to share this from School council at Sand Hutton:

School Council have organised another Book Swap for next week. Please bring in one book that you would be willing to swap on Monday (15th). We ask that books are in reasonably good condition please. Each child that brings in a book will be given a token which can be swapped for a ‘new to them’ book on the Wednesday (17th). Last time, was a great success and we hope even more children will join in this time. Thank you, as ever, for your support.

Miss Heffernan has also asked me to pass on that library will now be on Wednesday’s, at Sand Hutton.

We have really enjoyed our new way of looking at homework this year. We have given a great deal of thought to the project for this half term and this time there is a Geography theme. It is Mrs Wilson who has a message for our children. They will also discuss this in class:

Dear Children

Your home learning challenge for this half term is linked to Geography.

We are challenging you to create a Map of your favourite place!  Your map can either be made in 2d or 3d. The choice is yours!

Some ideas of different ways to present your map could include; a drawing, created on a device: 2calculate on Purple Mash is a great program or even Minecraft. Could it be a cake? I wonder if any of you could ‘bake’ a map! You might even decide to create a map outside using natural resources. I’m sure you will have many creative ways in which you decide to complete this challenge!

We also wondered if you could include some of the following; map symbols, map keys, grid references, compass, or even photos. I wonder what you might include?

When you have completed your map, we would love for you to bring them into school, or send links or photos via email to either: or

Please bring/send them in by Monday 20th May.

We look forward to celebrating your work in class and also across our federation.

Have fun and enjoy your Geography challenge!

Mrs Wilson 🌍

That sounds like lots of fun and there are so many different ways to meet this challenge. I can’t wait to see the many and varied ideas you have. Get mapping!

Finally, I have some dates for you.

The postponed Big Help Out Day at sand Hutton has been rescheduled for Sunday 21st April. We hope that you can join us and we hope even more for better weather! The proposed jobs list remains the same.

FOWS are planning a Coffee morning on Saturday 11th May. These are always lovely mornings. There will be a craft event for the children and maybe some seasonal planting. Please come along!

Year 6 SATs test will follow the timetable set for schools in the week beginning May 13th. We will do everything possible to ensure that these are as stress free as possible for our young people. We often hear them talking about how much they enjoy the process when it arrives.

Our sharing assemblies are as follows for the summer term:

Sand Hutton: 19th April, 10th May and 7th June

Warthill: 26th April, 17th May and 14th June

We haven’t planned ‘sharings’ for July as there are many opportunities for families to attend events and come into school or church

Please add these to your diaries and we will endeavor to firm up other dates as soon as we are able and share these with you too.

Hoping that you all have a lovely weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools