31st March 2023

Dear Families,

Happy Easter to you all! I do hope the weather improves!

We have had a very busy last week in both schools. Two Easter services meant that we were able to meet many of you. Equally, Parents’ Evening at Sand Hutton was a chance to catch up with families too.

In our Easter Services we were welcomed by Judith at Warthill who told us the exciting news of the possibility of a new vicar after Easter. At Sand Hutton we enjoyed our last Easter Service with Rev Chris who told us all about Rev Nigel who will join the Benefice soon as curate. Changing and exciting times.

More of you are following us on Twitter which is great to see. We have shared pupils’ work and communication from authors. We have also retweeted a prayer for the day from the Diocese where Warthill was mentioned. Please join the fun and retweet the wonderful work the children are so proud of in school.

Thank you to the parents helping out at Warthill; painting notice boards and tending to a playground stubborn puddle. This week was a power washing master class and our outdoor play equipment is gleaming again. At Sand Hutton, the PTA are planning to host a Coronation Clean- Up on Monday 8th May.  They will be inviting people to drop in and assist in a tidy up, enjoy some refreshments, and have a catch up!  This is in line with the national Big Help Out initiative. More information in a colourful flyer. Thank you!

This morning we enjoyed an Easter Plate Parade at Sand Hutton with prizes donated by Co-op. The variety was incredible and all the children received a small prize in recognition of their efforts. Mrs Baker had the impossible task of selecting a favourite from each class.

The PTA provided pupils with a plate to decorate.

The plates shown were created by Thomas in Class 1, Scarlett in Class 2 and Lottie in Class 3. Well done! And Well done everyone!

Finally I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter once again and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 18th April. With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

24th March 2023

Dear Families, 

Firstly, the exciting Twitter News. We have a Twitter page for the Federation Sand Hutton and Warthill or @sand_warthill we hope that you will follow us.

We have been experimenting a little this week. We won’t be using the direct message feature for this page. To contact the schools, please continue to do so in the usual ways

From Mrs Madge:

Juniors had a wonderful trip out to Danby Lodge in the North Yorkshire Moors. We found out about the biodiversity of the moorland and used keys to characterise different birds that can be found in the national park. In the afternoon we carried out a river investigation. We found a large variety of invertebrates including Harry’s find of the day: a dragon fly lava!

I would like to remind everyone again about the Easter Services next week. They are both on Thursday, Warthill at 9am and Sand Hutton at 2pm in their respective churches. Schools close for Easter at 2pm on Friday.

We are of course already planning for the Coronation. This event comes just as our Year 6 children begin their SATs and so we will be marking the occasion in ways which can limit distraction. Friday 5th May will be a day of in school festivities and a coronation lunch. We will host further activities to involve families at other points in the Coronation Year, please look out for these.

Don’t forget to attend the Easter Plate Parade at Sand Hutton on the last Friday of term. We are hoping for good enough weather to parade around the playground. You should have already received the plate.

It was lovely to see so many attend the coffee afternoon at Warthill on Monday and to see you again at Parents’ Evening. I was treated to a Lego extravaganza with the children waiting for parents! We created some rare models! During the afternoon, the children worked in pairs to create stained glass windows which we hope can be displayed in church in time for the service and to welcome visitors to the church after the Easter break.

Don’t forget that there will be Parents’ Evening at Sand Hutton this week. I am looking forward to seeing you all there.

Enjoy a lovely weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson



Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

17th March 2023

Dear Families,

A few reminders this week.

Next week is Parents’ Evening at Warthill. If you haven’t booked an appointment slot, there are slots available. The following week it is Sand Hutton Parents’ Evening and the same applies.

Next Friday, the children at Sand Hutton will receive some instructions re making a plate for Easter. Should you wish to look at these in all their glory, we will have a parade on March 31st at 9am. This will not be a sharing assembly but it will give everyone chance to show off their craft skills. We hope to see you there.

In addition, our Easter Services take place on the last Thursday of the term, March 30th. Warthill will have theirs in church at 9am and so the day will begin there as it did at Christmas. At Sand Hutton the service will be at 2pm and children can be taken home after the service. The following day, both schools close at 2pm for the Easter break.

I must share how grateful I am to both schools’ parents’ associations for their offers to support us keeping the ground on both sites looking spic and span. We are all incredibly touched by offers to help. Thank you!

Finally, I thought I would share a couple of moments that have made me smile this week. The first is a picture of a sign language session in full flow at Sand Hutton. The second is Storycraft at Warthill

Hoping that you all have a lovely weekend.

Exciting Twitter news coming next week………………

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

24th February 2023

Dear Families,

I hope you had a fun filled half term and it is great to be back!

First I would like to reassure that, as far I am aware, the planned teacher strike next week will not be affecting either of our schools. As I mentioned before, there is no requirement for staff to share their plans in advance of the strike, so while it could change, I am not aware of any staff absence at present.

I have been asked to remind children about their ‘shoebox stories’ for World Book Day. Given how wonderful the jars were last year, I am really looking forward to seeing the creativity! Don’t forget Thursday 2nd March!

Sharing Assemblies for March will be Friday 17th March at Warthill and Friday 24th March at Sand Hutton. As always, we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

I am afraid that news is a little thin on the ground this week until the half term gets into full swing so look out for visit letters as there are some in the planning which is always exciting. I will send a longer letter next week and hopefully some World Book Day photos from both schools.

Have a lovely weekend

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

10th February 2023

Dear Families,

Happy Half Term!

We have had quite a half term and this week has continued to be full of enjoyable learning.

Before I mention this week’s events, I must thank the children on behalf of all the adults, who attended and enjoyed Young Voices last Friday. It was a long day but it is always worth the effort as the final event is something difficult to describe unless you have experienced it. We also thought that Heather Small did a pretty good job accompanying us! Well done everyone! And a huge thank you to Mrs Roughley who does an immense amount organising behind the scenes!

Mrs Smith and the School Councill at Sand Hutton have also been busy organising the Dotty for Dogs event at Sand Hutton which was held on Tuesday and she had this to say………

SH School Council wish to send their thanks to all who participated and donated to our ‘Dotty for Dogs’ Day this week. We were certainly left seeing spots with all of the dotty clothing and even some homemade t-shirts! School Council were able to present a slideshow all about the Dog’s Trust during Collective Worship so all of the children knew how they were helping. We all then enjoyed a dotty biscuit at playtime as a thank you. Altogether we have raised £55 which is an amazing amount and will no doubt be very beneficial to the Dog’s Trust.

It has been Mental Health Week this week and all our children have been working on a range of activities to promote positive mental well-being. This has culminated in our ‘express yourself’ day. Children and staff have enjoyed doing this through the wearing of clothes which say something about who they are.

Sadly we say ‘goodbye to Miss Brown and Mrs Healy-Bell who have both been working with classes at Warthill. We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming them to our school and know that children in both classes have benefited from their dedication. We would like to wish them both good luck! Miss Brown (a different one!) remains in Class 2 at Sand Hutton for a little while yet.

We have enjoyed two fabulous Sharing Assemblies in both schools for February. It is so wonderful to see so many family members attend. Thank you to Class 2 today for your amazing vehicle parade. You should all be incredibly proud!

We hope everyone has a safe and fun filled half term break and we look forward to seeing everyone back, fit, healthy and ready to learn on Monday 20th February.

With every best wish

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Wartill Federated Schools

3rd February 2023

Dear Families,

What a busy week we have had!

The visit to Howsham Mill was enhanced by the arrival of kayaking Olympians which was quite a treat! Everyone was very chatty about the day and it is so great to have a visit with a Science link.

The visit to Elvington Air Museum was also a great success. A History link this time, with a bit of Science thrown in I am sure as it follows on from the Air Resistance work covered as part of Friction.                        

And finally………….. here we are safe and sound at YOUNG VOICES! We know we have some hard work ahead of us and the performance later! To those of you who have not had the pleasure before but are in the audience tonight, you are in for a real treat. It is ‘goosebumps making wonderful!’

Looking ahead to next week as we head towards half term. Our schools will be celebrating Mental Health Week with activities every day. In this week there is also E-Safety Day (the Tuesday) and at Sand Hutton on this day, there is the Dotty for Dogs Day. As part of Mental Health Week, the Express Yourself Day on Friday will allow children to come wearing their own clothing (non-uniform). At Sand Hutton this coincides with the Disco, organised by the PTA.

We have had our February Sharing at Warthill today and this will be at Sand Hutton next Friday. School will close for Half Term at the usual end of day time (NOT an early finish). School will return on Monday 20th February.  I hope that you have some exciting plans afoot as the weather improves.

Have an enjoyable weekend,

With every best wish

Beverley Pawson

Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools