Sand Hutton Ofsted Report

Dear Families,

We are absolutely delighted to be able to share Sand Hutton’s latest Ofsted report. As you may be aware, Sand Hutton was the subject of a short inspection just over a year ago and subsequently there was the decision to return, within 12-24 months of the report publication, to carry out a full graded inspection.

The current framework is a very exacting process with a safeguarding and curriculum focus. Small schools face challenges in the construction of a broad and balanced curriculum which are more easily overcome where there are single year group only classes. However, the report recognises the success school has had in achieving its ambitious, personalised and adaptive curriculum and how this is effective in mixed age classes and for all pupils including those with SEND; this extends from phonics through reading, writing and Mathematics and into the wider curriculum. We are pleased that the work we had invested in articulating the complexities of this already established and effective curriculum has made it easier for visitors to understand relatively quickly. While inspectors speak to staff, governors and representatives from the LA and Diocese, they draw their conclusions regarding the efficacy of the school, predominately from the answers children give to their wide range of questions and the observations they make throughout their visit, during and beyond formal teaching time.

In verbal feedback over the two-day process, a huge amount of credit was given to the commitment of staff, the behaviour for learning exhibited by pupils and the overwhelming support from families which was expressed through the parent view process. On the first day, the inspector who watched our children at play together at breaktime described this time of the day as ‘gorgeous’ and ‘energetic yet calm’. He further enthused about the way older children modelled exemplary behaviour to younger children in all aspects of school life. The lead inspector also described Class 1 as ‘just lovely’ as she oversaw our children learning through play and in small adult supported groups. These adjectives describe a sense of our atmosphere and ethos which are challenging to quantify without experiencing them. Both inspectors praised the way in which all children learn to read and how they become fluent readers as they journey through school. The report is such a brief summary of their experience and I am happy to share more informal feedback given if

requested. However, we are especially proud of these statements within which we are able to recognise the vision we have all shared for both our schools:

· This is a truly inclusive school where pupils flourish.

· Pupils’ behaviour is exceptional. They show respect for adults and each other.

· Pupils benefit from the careful approach to the curriculum which helps pupils to learn in mixed-age classes effectively.

· Pupils, including those with SEND, are effectively supported by adults to achieve well. Adults’ strong subject knowledge enables them to explain new concepts clearly and pick up misconceptions. Teachers adapt resources and support. They teach with confidence

· In Early Years…Leaders review the setting constantly. Children make connections across the curriculum. They are engaged in their learning.

· The school also seeks effective support from services within the local authority. This helps them in their drive for continuous improvement.


You expressed your love for the school and your faith in the provision through Parentview. Some of the observations, although anonymous, were shared with me. Thank you for these comments. You must be pleased, as we are, that this is recognised in the report.

I was encouraged to see that the inspection team recognised the love and pride shown towards to the school from all members of the school community and the impact this has on our ability to strive towards out motto, ‘the best we can be’. It is a team effort and the team has many different members for whom we are incredibly grateful.

I am grateful for the suggestions in the report as to where we look next to improve as this is something we actively seek. The previous report set out a suggested path linked to phonics and the entire federation has benefited from the clear and concise objectives. We were able to make rapid adjustments to address these, to good effect. As adults we too seek to be ‘the best we can be’.

Please see attached, the report and it comes with my thanks to all of you for the support you have shown each and every one of us in a variety of ways.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

Newsletter 26th April 2024

Dear Families,

We enjoyed a lovely Sharing Assembly at Warthill this morning. It is always such a joy celebrating the various successes of our children.

One of the things our children are really good at is writing and especially creative poetry. This week Miss Heffernan wanted to share news of a competition that children can enter at home. This gives opportunities to win prizes for individuals and for schools and everyone geta bookmark for entering. The competition is called Once Upon a Dream for 7-12 year olds. There are some exciting resources to stimulate ideas available on the website. It would be great to see some of our children’s work published! If your child is interested, they can speak to someone at school about this or go online to

All information and entry forms can be found there. Get writing!

After a long wait, we have received our finalised Ofsted Report for Sand Hutton which has been shared with Sand Hutton families ahead of its publication on the Ofsted website next week. We are very pleased that the vision we share for both of schools in terms of inclusivity, exemplary behaviours for learning and  the confident delivery of an ambitious curriculum has been recognised. Should anyone require a copy ahead of the publication date, please contact either school office and this can be forwarded to you. Equally, a hard copy can be made available on request.

I would like to share something with you which hasn’t happened in our setting but has raised the subject of mobile phones and smart watches again. (This is why I am re-sharing the policy with this letter). I am aware of situation where a SEND child, struggling with the demands of a classroom and managed by a member of staff, was filmed and this was later posted on social media. I am sure you can understand how upsetting this is for the pupil and family concerned as well as the teacher managing a difficult situation. I know that pupils increasingly have access to mobile phones and to technology on smart watches. Please can I ask that you read the policy again and ensure that this is being followed, for the protection of everyone. Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter.

Finally, both our clothing bins have been emptied and are ready to take new donations of clothing you no longer need or want. These bins provide a steady stream of funding for our PTAs and we appreciate this. Please use them and encourage friends and families to do the same. It makes a difference. Funding raised by FOWS and PTA enhance the school experience for all our children in a variety of ways.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools


Newsletter 22nd April 2024

Dear Families,

First of all, sorry this is late! Friday was a bit busy!

We had a wonderful week in our schools last week which spread over into the weekend.

We are still waiting for our Sand Hutton Ofsted report. The timeline takes account of working days and so the Easter break will have delayed matters. However, I am hoping we won’t have to wait much longer as we have now received the draft. I am looking forward to being able to share it with you all soon.

Following a lovely sharing assembly at Sand Hutton last week, I was privileged to take Class 3 (and Faye) to Brass Band England workshop at Leavening School, organised by Miss Templeman. All the children had an instrument and played along with backing tracks as a full band! A great sound!


Miss Heffernan had asked me to thank parents again for their purchases at the Scholastic Book Fair we held during the Autumn Term Parents’ Evenings. We are still spending the commission this earned our schools and have recently been able to add yet further new stock to our classrooms and libraries. We are really grateful for this!

As you may be aware, Warthill is already a nut free school. Due to a recent diagnosis and as our children share sites more and more frequently, we would like to ask that Sand Hutton follows this precaution for the safety of our children. This means that we will not be using nut-based products in classrooms and would ask you to avoid nut-based products in snacks and packed lunches. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Our next exciting venture is a visit from The Dog Trust. This will be taking place across both our schools and won’t include the presence of REAL dog, just in case any children are very afraid of dogs. Thank you Mrs Darling for organising this for us!

Following the National Offer Day last week for new starters for Reception, we will be starting our summer Stay and Play sessions. This means that both sites will be welcoming new starters with the adults on sessions throughout the summer term. Of course, some of these children have already started as nursery pupils at Sand Hutton and are already well and truly at home.

I do have some dates to share with you as we look ahead.

Tuesday 30th April: Year Reception and Year 6 Weights and Measures

Wednesday 1st May: Dogs Trust am SH pm WH

Thursday 2nd May: Class 1 Farm Trip

Monday 6th May: School closed for Bank Holiday

Saturday 11th May: Coffee Morning at Warthill

Monday 13th May: SATS week

Thursday 23rd May: School closes for half term as there is a training day on Friday

Monday 3rd June: School opens

Wednesday 19th June: proposed date for Wartill beach trip

Thursday 20th June: Sand Hutton at Askham Bryan Wildlife Park

Wednesday 26th June: Both schools Sport races. Warthill Field in the afternoon

Thursday 4th July: Reserve date for the above.

Sunday 7th July: Warthill Summer Fair

Thursday 18th July: Leavers 9am at Warthill Church and 2pm in Sand Hutton Hall. All welcome

We also have a date penciled in for a music workshop at Warthill but I am waiting for the leader of this session to get back to me. What a very busy few weeks ahead! I do hope this helps you to plan ahead.

Finally, I must thank everyone who gave up their Sunday to the third Big Help out at Sand Hutton. We were blessed with good weather, good company and good cheer. This morning the weather had returned its settled dreary outlook, but the school grounds smiled at us all through the rain.

Have a great week!

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

Newsletter 12th April 2024

Dear Families,

Welcome back after the Easter holidays and welcome to our Nursery children who have settled in to Sand Hutton like they have always been there!

First of all, I have some wonderful news. Mrs Madge is happy for me to share that she is expecting a baby! This is extremely exciting for her and us of course! Currently, she is feeling well and so expecting to see out this academic year. There will inevitably be changes for September. In order to minimize change for both of our schools as much as possible, Mrs Naylor will step in to the role of Junior Class lead at Warthill and Mrs Smith will take on Class 2 at Sand Hutton full time. Mrs Madge will have shared her exciting news with the children when they come out of school.

On a different matter, Mrs Smith would like to share this from School council at Sand Hutton:

School Council have organised another Book Swap for next week. Please bring in one book that you would be willing to swap on Monday (15th). We ask that books are in reasonably good condition please. Each child that brings in a book will be given a token which can be swapped for a ‘new to them’ book on the Wednesday (17th). Last time, was a great success and we hope even more children will join in this time. Thank you, as ever, for your support.

Miss Heffernan has also asked me to pass on that library will now be on Wednesday’s, at Sand Hutton.

We have really enjoyed our new way of looking at homework this year. We have given a great deal of thought to the project for this half term and this time there is a Geography theme. It is Mrs Wilson who has a message for our children. They will also discuss this in class:

Dear Children

Your home learning challenge for this half term is linked to Geography.

We are challenging you to create a Map of your favourite place!  Your map can either be made in 2d or 3d. The choice is yours!

Some ideas of different ways to present your map could include; a drawing, created on a device: 2calculate on Purple Mash is a great program or even Minecraft. Could it be a cake? I wonder if any of you could ‘bake’ a map! You might even decide to create a map outside using natural resources. I’m sure you will have many creative ways in which you decide to complete this challenge!

We also wondered if you could include some of the following; map symbols, map keys, grid references, compass, or even photos. I wonder what you might include?

When you have completed your map, we would love for you to bring them into school, or send links or photos via email to either: or

Please bring/send them in by Monday 20th May.

We look forward to celebrating your work in class and also across our federation.

Have fun and enjoy your Geography challenge!

Mrs Wilson 🌍

That sounds like lots of fun and there are so many different ways to meet this challenge. I can’t wait to see the many and varied ideas you have. Get mapping!

Finally, I have some dates for you.

The postponed Big Help Out Day at sand Hutton has been rescheduled for Sunday 21st April. We hope that you can join us and we hope even more for better weather! The proposed jobs list remains the same.

FOWS are planning a Coffee morning on Saturday 11th May. These are always lovely mornings. There will be a craft event for the children and maybe some seasonal planting. Please come along!

Year 6 SATs test will follow the timetable set for schools in the week beginning May 13th. We will do everything possible to ensure that these are as stress free as possible for our young people. We often hear them talking about how much they enjoy the process when it arrives.

Our sharing assemblies are as follows for the summer term:

Sand Hutton: 19th April, 10th May and 7th June

Warthill: 26th April, 17th May and 14th June

We haven’t planned ‘sharings’ for July as there are many opportunities for families to attend events and come into school or church

Please add these to your diaries and we will endeavor to firm up other dates as soon as we are able and share these with you too.

Hoping that you all have a lovely weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

Newsletter 15th March 2024

Dear Families,

It has been a very busy week in our schools this week and we have hosted the first of our Parents’ Evenings at Sand Hutton.

As promised, though a little later than suggested, I have included some photos of recent events on a separate letter. These are being shared with parents with no names attached and this document will not be on the website. Some photos with no identifiable pupils can also be found on Twitter or X as it is called.

As always Parents’ Evening at Sand Hutton was a pleasant event with many smiling faces. We enjoy celebrating the progress of our pupils. We look forward to similar next week at Warthill, on Tuesday.

This week we said goodbye to our students on placement in both schools. Miss Colligon left us from Warthill and Mr Craven left Sand Hutton. However, a stroke of luck means that Mr Craven will remain with the federation team and will be joining the Warthill Junior Class after Easter. The children will have already met him as he has been delivering lessons when both school merge on a Monday afternoon.

As we head towards Easter there are fun activities ahead for both schools. On Sunday, we are holding our third Big Help Out at Sand Hutton and we are grateful for anyone who is able to join us no matter how briefly. Dig out your wellies….it may be wet underfoot. However, the weather looks to be warm and dry at the moment, if not quite sunny. We can only hope!

At Warthill, there is a cinema evening on Monday, arranged by FOWs, after school. These are always well attended and a super treat for our children, thank you. At Sand Hutton the PTA have booked a Magician Event which sounds exciting and this will take place on Wednesday 20th March, also after school.

All these fun activities are in addition to our Easter Services which will take place for both schools on Thursday 21st March, 9am at Warthill Church and 2pm at Sand Hutton Church. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Finally, next Friday being the end of a full term means that schools close at 2pm.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend, whatever you have planned.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

Newsletter 8th March 2024

Dear Families,

I hope that you have had as enjoyable a week as we have in both our schools this week. Reading has
been a focus in both our schools, not just because of World Book Day but just because we LOVE it!
We were all so impressed at the homework which was completed and brought to school yesterday
to celebrate our love of reading on World Book Day. As always when creative tasks are set, we are
blown way by the ideas and care put into projects. Well done everyone! This isn’t the only READING
celebration I wanted to share with you today. We have a visitor from the Local Authority yesterday
who was excited as we are about the number of children in school who have earned their Blue Peter
Badge for reading! Across both schools we must have broken some sort of record for percentage of
pupils with this particular Blue Peter Badge. If there are any children who missed the application
date, remember that you can still apply yourself and join the reading gang!

I should share with you ahead of the Big Help out day that we are being supported by Bio Diversity
UK in developing outdoor areas. This is something that will benefit both sites and is also supporting
our Forest Schools offer. In the initial roll out, we are looking forward to receiving bird and bat boxes
as well as Violets to be planted as these are important contributors towards the habitat of a
particular moth. There are more exciting ideas in the pipeline and I will share these with you as they

I would like to confirm some dates with you for the last couple of weeks of the Spring terms.
Parents’ Evenings: Sand Hutton, Thursday 14th March, Warthill, Tuesday 19th March.
Easter Services: Both will take place on Thursday 21st March in respective churches: Warthill 9am,
Sand Hutton 2pm

Tracking back a little to last Friday when many of our children visited a stadium for the first time and
went to watch the Men’s International Rugby Team train….we made the papers! We have tweeted
it, but you can also find a photo on the York Press page and although it doesn’t say who we are, you
might recognize some faces in the crowd! There are some other tweets you may have missed! If you
don’t follow us already @sand_warthill.

I have a collection of pictures of all kinds to share with you. I will gather these into a picture fest next
week and send them all out together!
Have a lovely weekend,
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools