27th January 2023

Dear Families,

I must start my newsletter this week with more thanks.

Thank you to families from both schools who have shown their kindness and support following the publication of the SIAMS report at Sand Hutton and the announcement of an Ofsted Inspection this week. I feel the support shown consolidates the faith I have in the union of the federation. An extra special thank you for our pastries and daffodils package  which was received at Sand Hutton with immense gratitude. We are so very thankful for our federation family.

As I have said, we have received the finalised report at Sand Hutton for SIAMS and have shared this directly with the Sand Hutton parents. Should anyone from either setting wish to have sight of an electronic or hard copy, please ask either school office. The report is also on our website. The Ofsted report will be published in due course and until this is available, the outcomes are confidential.

We dd have a busy week though aside of our visitors….

Class 1 at Sand Hutton went on their trip to Tropical World in Leeds. Both Miss Branston and Mrs Darling said that all the children were a credit to the school and I know that everybody had a fabulous day! Well done Class 1.

We seem to have opened the ‘trip floodgates’ with three pending next week! Class 3 are heading to Howsham Mill, the Junior Class are heading to Elvington Air Museum and a mixture of both schools and classes are looking forward to YOUNG VOICES at Sheffield Arena on Friday: for those of you who don’t know, we are headlining with Heather Small from M People (the adults are more excited than children I think!)

Further to the strike information I shared last week, at present I have no reason to think that our situation has changed. I believe that both schools will operate as normal. As I said before, should the situation change, I will try to give as much advance warning as possible.

Please have an enjoyable and restful weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson

Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

20th January 2023

Dear Families,

I hope that you have had a joyful week with this crisp winter sunshine. I have even had snow at home…not enough to make a snowman though!

Our children have all had a super week with lots of hard work and fun in all our classes. At Warthill, the Infant Class have been looking at pointillism in Art and reproducing pictures on their computers. They look great! The Junior Class are anticipating being incredible detectives as they begin their new History Unit on World War 2…..( I think we should get them together with Class 3 at Sand Hutton! This is the unit they covered last term.) Great work all!

Class 1 at Sand Hutton have been enjoying getting to know Miss Branston, Mr Macfall and Miss Rodgers. Their classroom is fun filled and the Year 1 children have produced some fabulous writing this week. I know they are looking forward to their visit to Tropical World net week. In Class 2 there is always a learning buzz. They enjoyed their role play on the lost sheep and there are some great photographs to prove it! Finally, Class 3 have produced some incredible writing on a creature from their imagination. Their vocabulary choices were outstanding! Well done everyone!

I am sure that you are aware of pending teacher strikes from the news. At the moment the dates I have been made aware of are February 1st and 28th and March 15th and 16th. These proposed strikes involve one union at present although this could change. I have no reason to believe that these strikes will impact either school at this time. Should this change, I will alert you as soon as I am able. However, it is worth understanding that those who exercise their right strike have no obligation to give advance warning of their decision.

I said that I would give February sharing dates in this letter. At Warthill this will be February 3rd at 9am and the following week, February 10th at Sand Hutton. In March,  Warthill’s will be 3rd March and Sand Hutton the 10th March.

Finally, a heads up that we have another couple of trips in the offing. Class 3 will be visiting Howsham Mill on Tuesday 31st January and the Junior Class at Warthill are looking forward to the Elvington Air Museum (especially Arthur!!)

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

16th January 2023

Dear Families,
Firstly, my apologies for not getting a newsletter out to you on Friday. Sand
Hutton underwent a SIAMS Inspection (Church of England Inspection).
The outcome of the inspection is confidential at the moment. However, the
report will be shared with families once it is made available. I would also like to
take this opportunity to thank the children parents and staff who contributed
to the preparation of and the day itself. The inspection coincided with ‘Sharing’
at Sand Hutton. It was so lovely seeing the hall so full….we ran out of chairs! I
will publish February dates next week.
As promised I am including a photo of the sensory area we are developing at
Sand Hutton. We are incredibly grateful for the support of parents, especially
Mrs Mortimer and her fundraising and those who have donated items, and Cllr
Goodricke for financial support. Thank you all so much!

Thank you to those who responded to the Attendance Policy. There are some
really helpful suggestions which I can use to improve this document further.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and email me.
Just a quick reminder for Parents of children in Reception and Year 6; this week
is the weight and height check for those pupils who have consent given.
It is a short one this time. More on Friday!
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

Happy New Year and Welcome Back

I do hope that you all enjoyed a fun filled Christmas break and that all our children are bursting with good health, ready for the Spring Term. We have a full house in both schools today! While still on the subject of Christmas, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my thanks and thanks on behalf of staff for all the generous gifts we received. It is so very thoughtful of you and we do appreciate it very much!

At Sand Hutton, you may see new faces at the gate; please say Hello. At Warthill, we also have a new member of the Infant Class. We know he will be being made very welcome. This week we are straight into Sharing Assemblies this week starting at 9am on Friday at Warthill. This will be followed by the same at Sand Hutton Friday 13th January. We hope to see you there!

Just a couple of bits of admin: For families with siblings joining us in September; the closing date for applications is fast approaching. While we are aware of siblings and we, as schools, are expecting them in our intake numbers, the application is online and needs to be completed through the Local Authority.

Also, a further reminder to families using Tiny School for after school care. Please would you let both school and Tiny School know of any changes to the usual arrangement so that there is no confusion at collection. While we know that changes are sometimes last minute, where possible could you try to let school know before Mrs Thackray leaves just after lunch.

And finally, I am sure that I am not the only who took the opportunity to have a clear out over the Christmas period. If this is something that you also took the time to do, please be aware that there is a clothing bank in the Sand Hutton car park. While it might mean a short journey for you to de-clutter, it also contributes to some fund raising for our school. We would appreciate any donations from you. You can just pop by and drop them in the bank just by the gate. 

Please look out for communications from your child’s class teacher about homework and possible visits outside school. We will also be making contact as plans are tightened leading up to young Voices. In addition to that, please know that if you have any concerns or anything you wish to discuss, I am available and will support in any way I can.

Happy New Year again,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

Christmas Final Letter

Dear Families,

I know that the previous Newsletter was ‘the last’ but here is another. There was just more to be said!

I had to say how wonderful our Christmas Dinners were in both our schools. Mrs Naylor and I enjoyed both very much!!! Many, many thanks to Mrs Hall and Miss Smythe for their hard work! They were delicious! Wearing recycled party hats was definitely the way to go and I was thrilled to have one made especially for me! Thank you children!

I also had to mention Sand Hutton Nativity. It has been described as a ‘belter’! I couldn’t agree more. Being able to be together in church in the evening has a magical quality which cannot be replicated at any other time. Both performances, like those at Warthill were full of joy and the spirit of Christmas. Thank you to the families of both schools for letting us borrow your wonderful, talented children every day.

Just a heads up for January. Class 3 at Sand Hutton are handing over their swimming sessions to the Junior Class at Warthill. This means the Junior Class will need swimming kits on Fridays starting 6th January. For Class 3, PE will be on Thursdays and therefore they will need to be dressed accordingly and have suitable footwear.   At Sand Hutton Miss Brown will be joining the Class 2 team for the term and we will temporarily say au revoir to Miss Templeman who will return in the summer.  At Warthill Miss Brown (a different one) and Mrs Healy Bell will be returning to their respective classes.                                                                                                  

Finally, I have been reviewing a number of safeguarding policies and was drawn to measures regarding technology with a focus on SMART watches. As I understand that these may be on Christmas lists, I am sharing the draft policy in advance so that you are aware and can make your children aware of the position that school has, in readiness for the January return. It is important to say that we have never had any safeguarding breaches with regards to technology of this sort, but as these items become more and more commonplace in younger members of society, I am sure you agree that it is important to have clear systems in place for the safety of everyone.

So, for the second time this week, I wish you all a very Happy Christmas,

With Christmas greetings from us all,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

Children’s Acceptable Use of Mobile Phones/Devices/Smart Watches Policy

Both schools maintain a strong communicative link with parents through email and telephone. As such messages can be relayed effectively to pupils throughout the school day where required.

Parents/Carers who need to contact their child in the case of an emergency should always do so by phoning the school offices on the usual numbers.

We are aware of extenuating circumstances and therefore: At Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools children may be permitted to bring a mobile phone to school, where parents/carers and school are in agreement, where an arrangement has been made in advance for a special circumstance and where the phone is handed over to school staff at the start of the day. This may include moving between separated parents’ homes for example.

Our schools recognise that technology is changing daily and consequently more children are wearing smart watches. Smart Watches, where brought into school, will be the sole responsibility of the child concerned and the school will accept no responsibility for any subsequent damage or loss.

Smart Watches with camera facilities and independent access to the internet must be switched off and handed to the teacher or school office and will not be allowed to be used during the school day.

Smart Watches without independent connectivity and cameras may be worn providing they are being used as normal watches and for no other function beyond telling the time.

Any child found to be inappropriately using a mobile phone or Smart Watch will have their device confiscated and kept by the school until appropriate arrangements can be made for the collection of device by a parent/carer. The child will not be able to bring any mobile device into school from this point.

Under no circumstances should a mobile phone or Smart Watch be used by children to record still or video images, or to record audio whilst on the school premises.

Policy written by:Beverley Pawson

Policy written: Dec 2022

Policy to be reviewed: As required