8th September 2023

Dear Families,
Welcome back if you are returning and a huge welcome to all families who are new to us this term.
We are so pleased you have decided to join our federation of schools.
I hope that you all enjoyed a good summer break despite the weather and we are all thrilled to have
all our children, happy, healthy and enthusiastic, together once again.
I have a few dates to share with you straight away and these might take a little navigating as similar
events will be running on separate dates depending on the school your child attends.
We will be holding our Flying Start meetings again this year. This will allow you to visit your child’s
learning space, ask any adults questions and get a general feel for school especially if you are a new
family. These will not be timetabled but you can drop into the classes in your own setting within a
given time frame. At Sand Hutton these classrooms will be open for you from 2:15pm on
Wednesday 13th September. At Warthill the classrooms will be open at 9am on Monday 18th
We would like to add a Morning of Sport to the first Sharing assembly of the year this year. The idea
is to welcome you to sharing and celebration assembly at 9am and then join families and children on
the field for team sports. At Warthill this will take place on Friday 15th September and at Sand
Hutton on Friday 29th September. The Friday between is the Friday that Year 5 and 6 children will be
enjoying Robinwood.
I am also opening the schools to visitors on the morning of Saturday 16th September as a way of
promoting our school to families for future pupils. You may see leaflets related to this in public
places in the local area.
We would like to welcome Miss Barber to the federation team this term and also welcome a trainee
teacher, Mr Jacques to the Junior Class at Warthill. We will be supporting other trainee teachers in
our schools at other points throughout the year. I know that you will make them very welcome.
Finally, as we head into a new academic year, it is the time to share some of our school priorities
with you. Mrs Darling is leading staff through a re-structure of our phonics programme. The parents’
phonics meetings will reflect this. These will be held on the 28th and 29th of September, one in each
school with details to follow separately. A more fixed curriculum programme has been created over
the last six months and this will be carefully monitored by subject leaders throughout the year. We
hope that children will retain even more of their learning and make links with prior learning. Finally,
an even stronger culture of staying safe online will form part of expectations in school. This will
extend to supporting families with staying safe online in an ever changing landscape, both on the
internet and through social media.
You should receive more specific information in the coming days related to your child’s learning
through your Flying Start meetings and letters/leaflets from class teachers and so I will simply wish
you a warm and sunny weekend.
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated School

14th July 2023

Dear Families,

Firstly, I must say a huge thank to anyone involved in any way in our Street Festival Day. The
morning was spent with classes undertaking their own activities in their own spaces. I was lucky
enough to be able to have a steel band practice, outside, and we enjoyed having Mrs Hall and Mrs
Smythe as our very appreciative first audience. Thank goodness we squeezed in that practice as only
a few minutes later the heavens opened and we ended up emptying the pans as they were full to
the brim with water!

Despite having to bring the CUBOID stage indoors, we managed a talent filled set with Faye opening
the occasion with The National Anthem, perfectly played on her cornet. All children had a chance to
shine on the stage, body percussion, robot dancing, sound poems to name a few. We also enjoyed
watching the various new circus performers our tiny schools are generating! We finished this section
of our festival with a playground performance and steel band aerobics.

The early evening then was a relaxed social event with both school communities coming together
over a disco and ice cream. A perfect summer festival. We loved it! Thank you all!

This week the Year 6 children have had a day out at Crucial Crew followed by a treat at Hollywood
Bowl. I have heard that they had a terrific time! Well done all Year 6 children (and their adults).
Finally, I am letting you know the plans for classes for September although changes have been
shared in advance with some classes.

Sand Hutton: Class 1 Mrs Darling and Mrs Jones, Class 2 Mrs Smith and Mrs Naylor, Class 3 Miss

Warthill: Infants Mrs Wilson and Mrs Liston Juniors Mrs Madge with Mrs Naylor teaching Year 3 and
4 M, T & W mornings)

The adjustments which have been made are budget driven and with as little change as possible.
Unfortunately, Miss Branston won’t be with us in September. We have enjoyed her contributions to
our school communities since Christmas and wish her well in her future endeavours.

As we head into the final week of our very busy year, we look forward to seeing many of you at
Leavers’ Assemblies. We also hope that the Year 6 Leavers are ready for their many challenges this
evening….challenges first and pizza second!

With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

7th July 2023

Dear Families,

Welcome to the end of another week in the life of our schools!

First of all I need to say what a wonderful Summer Fair we had at Warthill last weekend. Despite the weather looking a little dubious, the rain held off and we enjoyed a chilled afternoon, avoiding getting too wet in the water fight at the end! Junior Class your fiver challenges were fabulous! Thank you to all who contributed in any way. We really appreciate it!

If you haven’t already, please would you return the information about Street Day to each school office as soon as you are able. We still need to determine numbers for return to Warthill and decide whether a coach for the return journey is necessary. To pay for tickets, there is the facility to do this on ParentPay now. We look forward to seeing lots of you there at 3pm.  Thank you to those who recommended Ice Cream Vans, I have called and secured an ice cream van for next week! GREAT NEWS! Mine’s a 99!

You will be aware that transition for our new starters is taking place over these two weeks and children are getting to know their new teachers and/or class spaces. One further change, I should mention is that Mr Holmes will not be with us next year; Mrs Drysdale will be taking over the delivery of PE on Mondays. We are having a collection for him, so if you would like to contribute to this, you can send money in to either school office. We will be presenting him with a gift on Monday 17th July. I know we will miss him very much as he has been a member of the school team for many years now.

As we head into our final couple of weeks of the school year, I would like to remind you of Leaver Assembly dates. Both schools are holding these on Thursday 20th July: Warthill at 9am in church and Sand Hutton at 2pm at school. Everyone is welcome. And while we are talking about Leavers, Year 6 don’t forget ‘I’m a Year 6 Leaver, Get Me Out of Here’ takes place at Sand Hutton next Friday evening at 6pm!

Be ready for your trials and challenges (and maybe a little pizza!)


Have a lovely weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson

Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

30th June 2023

Dear Families,
It has been quite a busy week in our schools this week with more ahead (but hopefully after
a somewhat quieter stretch!).
Thank you to everyone who supported our Summer Event at Sand Hutton on Saturday and is
continuing to collect sponsor money. A huge congratulations to Mrs Jones, who inspired the
event, walking so far in such intense heat. We really hope that she enjoys her flowers! The
day was sunny and warm with a chilled atmosphere that everyone enjoyed.
Class 1 made me so very proud at Stockeld Park on Tuesday. We dodged the rain and had
fun in the forest and even more fun in the Playhive after lunch. There wasn’t a slide ‘unslid’
by the time we left. The behaviour from everyone was outstanding and this always makes
for the perfect day out!
Class 2 made their teachers really proud too on their Woodland Adventure visit on
Wednesday. They spent their day den building and marshmallow toasting. It sounds like a
great day all round. The feedback we have received from children and parents has been
really pleasing.
This weekend we are looking forward a second Summer Fair, this time at Warthill! The
Junior Class has been tackling the fiver challenge. Each group has had to use five pounds and
create a project, to be launched at the Summer Fair and see which group can make the
greatest profit. I have seen some super ideas and some very serious planning going on in
this class this week.
I BELIEVE that next week is a quieter one….famous last words!
Have a great weekend,
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

23rd June 2023

Dear Families,

I hope that you enjoyed Sports’ Day as much as we all did. A huge thank you to Mrs Drysdale for all the planning that went into the event, supported by Mr Holmes and Mrs Madge. We were delighted to see so many of you during the day. Having such lovely nice weather was a bonus and families chose different aspects of the day to attend. The afternoon races, in mixed groups, added a certain extra mystery about who the winners might be. I know the older children in particular really enjoyed the competitive element.

Thank you for those people who bought tickets for the raffle. For those of you unable to attend or missed the raffle tickets because these were available at Warthill in the afternoon, we will continue to sell tickets and the draw will take place during Street Day.

Talking of Street Day more details will follow next week in a separate email. This email will give details of timings, the cost of staying to the Disco after school and the collection arrangements and numbers of pupils needing transporting back to Warthill, if any. This will take place on Wednesday 12th July and will involve all children being at Sand Hutton during the afternoon.

We also have more events to look forward to:

Tuesday next week, Class 1 at Sand Hutton will be going to Stockeld Park and on Wednesday Class 2 will be heading out on their Woodland Adventure. We hope they all have a super time.

At Warthill FOWS will be holding their Summer Fair on Sunday 2nd July. We have fingers crossed that the weather will be great like last year.

And finally, please come and support the PTA at Sand Hutton tomorrow from 11am. You can bring a picnic too and enjoy the forecasted sunshine. During the day we will be sharing updates about the progress Mrs Jones is making as she tackles the Lyke Wake Walk. Good Luck to Mrs Jones.


Have a lovely weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools

16th June 2023

Dear Families,

We hope that you have all been able to enjoy the glorious weather and the even bigger hope is that

we hold on to it for Sports’ Day on Monday! Keep everything tightly crossed. Please send children

with hats for sun protection and either cream for them to apply or give them a generous layer in the

morning! In the afternoon there will be a range of cold drinks available for which a cash donation

would be most welcome. There will also be a range of Body Shop products to be raffled. Tickets will

be £1 a strip. Hope to see many of you there and we can enjoy a fun afternoon as a Federation.

There have been pirates in Class 1 at Sand Hutton this week. They even made me walk the plank. It

has produced something fabulous writing and map creating. The pirates may be back next week too

so beware!

A couple of dates as a reminder.

Sand Hutton 24th June PTA Summer Event

Warthill 2nd July FOWS Summer Fair

At Warthill there is a disco planned to see the Year 6 children off on their secondary school

adventures. The Warthill Leavers’ Disco is on Friday 21st July at Sand Hutton Village Hall. The times

are 17. 00 until 19.00. Food is being provided for the children and there will be tea and coffee

provided for accompanying adults. Any donations for tea and coffee will be welcomed by FOWS.

I am also writing to share some cost increases for next term. Breakfast Club will increase to £5.50 and

After School Club to £11. School dinners have caused us quite some concern and debate. At the

moment the school budget heavily subsidises school meals and this is having an impact on other

areas of school finance. After considerable discussion, the Governing Body and I have concluded that

we should increase the price per meal to £3. While I recognise that this is quite a jump, it is still below

the actual cost per meal that we are charged through the school meal service. While I know that you

will understand the need to increase charges, it is absolutely vital that you know you can come to me

or other members of staff to discuss matters should this cause any issue in family finances.

Finally, I wish you all a sunshine filled weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools