by admin | Nov 10, 2023 | Archive
Dear Parents,
I am sending a separate letter regarding attendance/absence. I think this serves as a useful reminder and I am sure you will remember having received something similar before. Currently, there are a number of children in both schools whose attendance I am monitoring closely. I am aware that a considerable number have been affected by chicken pox but there are other absences and also unauthorised holidays to take into account.
Please read the important information related to absence in school. It really is closely connected to future outcomes for your children. It is also worth considering how much valuable learning time can be lost through persistent lateness. Early learning tasks in class are often focused on spellings and other skills that can be applied in various tasks at other times in the day.

Those of you who have applied for special leave in school time know that I consider each case individually and I take account of the reasons given. When I decide on permission granted, I will also be able to reflect on absence patterns for the current and previous school year.
While I will continue to evaluate each request fairly, I would urge you to consider whether any requests for leave can be justified. Where there are specific individual concerns, I will contact you directly.
I thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Beverley Pawson
by admin | Nov 10, 2023 | Archive
Dear Families,
Welcome Back!
I hope you all enjoyed a fun filled half term break. The children were full of stories about their Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations so it certainly sounds like it. We are glad to have everyone return to us after the holiday safe and sound!
Some of you may be aware that we suffered another flood at Sand Hutton over the last week. It wasn’t as disastrous as last time but it still took some considerable time to clean up afterwards. I would like to extend my thanks to staff, parents and residents of Sand Hutton for their help in my absence. I know I am incredibly lucky to have such a strong team support our schools. Thank you to all those who gave up their time.
As we prepare for Remembrance Day, I was fortunate to work with both schools this week creating some artwork on this theme. Please look to the windows in your school to see the beautiful creations linked to Remembrance. They are all stunning. I hope that we might be able to share some with our churches. I would also like to thank the Bailes family for their gift of a book ‘Stubby’ and the heads up to a beautiful animated film on the same subject. It was extremely kind of you. Thank you!
Parents Evenings were a pleasant experience for us all too this week. Thank you to all those who attended. If you were unable to attend, please contact your school office to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher. The Book Fair that we ran in conjunction with Parents’ Evening was exceptionally well supported in both schools and up to today, we have around 200 pounds to spend on books for our schools. We are so grateful for this.
I am also sending a separate letter with this newsletter which focuses on attendance and the impact of absence on pupil outcomes. It is for general information and any specific concerns will be shared with individual families directly.
Finally, Congratulations to all the Pet Published Artists from Sand Hutton After School Club! I know that you received certificates in sharing and I can’t wait to see the book!
Well done!
I am looking forward to sharing next Friday at Warthill.
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools
by admin | Nov 9, 2023 | Archive
Dear Families,
Happy Half Term Everyone!
I think it has been a long half term and everyone, mostly the children, is ready for it! As it was Harvest in both our schools this week and Harvest is about giving thanks and showing appreciation, I thought it was vital for me to show my gratitude to both our school communities for all that you do. This last couple of weeks has really symbolised the strength of the federation and we have seen
lived out in all its glory.
Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made donations or gave willingly of their time at the second Big Help Out at Sand Hutton. I know that the PTA has shared photos and thanks but I wished to add mine. The woodland setting and Class 1 outside area in particular have been utterly transformed. It was a great day and everyone enjoyed seeing the fruits of their labours at the end.
Secondly, a huge thank you all for the donations you sent for our Christmas Box appeal. Collectively we packed and wrapped 60 boxes which will be blessed and sent on their journeys after the half term. As always it was an incredibly heart-warming event and the children absolutely love it! I feel so pleased that we were able to contribute so much to this appeal. Thank you all.
I know that our Harvest Services were enjoyed by many and that visitors to these gave gifts of money in the collection for the foodbank. Collectively this has totalled approximately two hundred pounds which is incredible. Thank you again!
I know that you have received information separately about the book fair. We benefit in our schools for any purchases made so if you have Christmas presents to buy for, we would really appreciate any purchases made through the fairs, one in each school.
We are also looking forward to Miss Templeman returning to Class 3 at Sand Hutton each Friday for the rest of the autumn term, as a qualified member of teaching staff in her ECT year.
Finally, some sadder news. Some of you may be aware that we won’t have Miss Smythe after the half term holiday as she has a new and exciting job elsewhere. Sadly, we will also be losing Mrs Hall before Christmas. She has worked for us for a really long time and the children all love her lunches. We will miss her at Sand Hutton as she is our server as well as our chef! However, we know she is excited about what is around the corner for her.
Before the disco here at Sand Hutton fills the building with fun (and Noise), I wish you all a lovely break and look forward to seeing everyone back on November 6th, full of beans and ready to work hard. Please stay safe at the various Halloween and Bonfire plans you may have.
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools
by admin | Nov 9, 2023 | Archive
Dear Families,
It has been a quiet week in our schools this week although we have enjoyed a lovely sharing assembly at Warthill this morning. As well as being able to hand our medals to our Corinthian Ambassadors, we were treated to a violin recital by Elsie. Well done Elsie, you sounded great!
Class 3 at Sand Hutton had their live lesson with author Hannah Gold who they are enjoying tweeting. There is a queue forming for her new book too. Glad you are all enjoying your reading Class 3!
Please see attached a poster for the Sand Hutton PTA autumn big help out. The focus this time will be on developing the forest school, spring bulb planting and the class 1 garden. There’s a ‘wish list’ of things that we need and some of these might be found going spare in your garden so please take a look… we understand not everyone will be able to make it, but if you can, do come along – we are looking forward to another sociable morning together – no need to sign-up. Just turn up in your gear and with bring / share snacks. More details at sharing assembly next week.
I don’t have a great deal more news to share this week. Maybe it will be a HUGE letter next week.
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools
by admin | Oct 6, 2023 | Archive
Dear Families,
I hope that you have had a lovely week. We have been busy again in both our schools and are well into the swing of the Autumn Term. In Class 3 at Sand Hutton the children are incredibly excited that he author of the book they are studying has replied to their tweet, TWICE! Fabulous!
Our ‘sharings’ for October could be covered through our Harvest services but we would like to welcome you to further opportunities to meet together: Warthill on Friday 13th and Sand Hutton on Friday 20th October. We hope to see you there!
As mentioned in a previous newsletter, we are aiming to collect items for the shoebox Christmas appeal again this year. (If you have any shoeboxes, these would be a great start!) You will be recovering a leaflet in book bags which contains information about the charity and shares a list items we would like to collect. The children have also had an assembly about this. We collect items over the next few weeks and then the children work in teams to choose the contents for their box and wrap it. The boxes will then be taken to Gate Helmsley Church to be blessed before beginning their journey to Romania. Thank you in advance for your support. The children enjoy doing this and it helps them to understand the importance of helping others.
We would also like to give you some advance notice for an event/week of activities in November. Nationally this event is called ‘Anti-Bullying Week’. This year the organisers are using the slogan, ‘Make Some Noise for Anti-Bullying’ As a federation we feel that the activities they promote are incredibly valuable however we have had discussions about the emphasis on a negative word such as ‘bullying’. While we will be participating in activities, we have decided to accentuate the positive and our week will be called ‘Raise the Roof for Respect’. We will be addressing the issue of bullying but focusing on the behaviour we would like to see which is respect. I thought it important that everyone was aware of the thinking behind our decision.
I would also like to send out a reminder of a couple of dates so that you can plan ahead. FOWs are having their Bags 2 School collection on Thursday 19th October, if you are clearing out cupboards and ….. Sand Hutton PTA are still looking for volunteers for their Big Autumn Help Out event on Sunday 22nd October, if you are available to support.
Finally, with the newsletter this week, we have a Sand Hutton pupil who is displaying her own Courageous Advocacy and a love for animals. (Emily, we are very proud of you!) Please click on the link in the email for further information.
I hope that you have a lovely weekend. I believe that there will be a brief return to summer, especially on Saturday!
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools
by admin | Sep 18, 2023 | Archive
Dear Families,
Apologies that today’s newsletter has been delayed.
Despite the weather not looking favourable at the beginning of last week, we managed our Morning
of Sport at Warthill following a lovely first sharing assembly. The children had clearly had busy
summers with lots to show and be proud of. We had our first Corinthian Ambassadors who were
presented with medals which they will exchange for new medals when they arrive. Well done! We
hope to be able to repeat this at Sand Hutton in a couple of weeks’ time. Mrs Drysdale put the
groups of children through their paces, running, throwing, jumping etc. As ever, it was a pleasure to
see our older children looking after the younger ones and our newest pupils. Keep your fingers
crossed for the weather on September 29th at Sand Hutton.
On Saturday we help an open morning in both schools. Thank to everyone who came and supported
these. We felt that the event was a success and intend to hold another, next half term, but this time
in the early evening, to accommodate working parents. I have had lots of offers of help in advertising
and raising the profile of our schools. Many thanks.
This week, our Year 5 and 6 children will be heading off to Robinwood on their residential visit. Mrs
Madge, Mrs Naylor and Mr Mackfall will be accompanying them. Miss Heffernan will be teaching the
remaining Year 4 children with the 3 and 4 children at Warthill. So often our Warthill children visit
Sand Hutton and this gives them an opportunity to be hosts. I know they will make the Sand Hutton
children (and Miss Heffernan) very welcome!
Tomorrow is school photo day so please remember school uniform etc. Alongside this letter there is
a list of dates we already have in our diary. This is included on that list along with Harvest and
Christmas events. These do have to be confirmed with church and so they are provisional at this
Finally, I hope you enjoyed your weekend. I did notice the drive to school this morning was distinctly
darker (not to mention wetter!) It is a good job the children are still full of the joys of Spring!
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools