Absence Impact Letter

Nov 10, 2023

Dear Parents,

I am sending a separate letter regarding attendance/absence. I think this serves as a useful reminder and I am sure you will remember having received something similar before. Currently, there are a number of children in both schools whose attendance I am monitoring closely. I am aware that a considerable number have been affected by chicken pox but there are other absences and also unauthorised holidays to take into account.

Please read the important information related to absence in school. It really is closely connected to future outcomes for your children.  It is also worth considering how much valuable learning time can be lost through persistent lateness. Early learning tasks in class are often focused on spellings and other skills that can be applied in various tasks at other times in the day.

Those of you who have applied for special leave in school time know that I consider each case individually and I take account of the reasons given. When I decide on permission granted, I will also be able to reflect on absence patterns for the current and previous school year.

While I will continue to evaluate each request fairly, I would urge you to consider whether any requests for leave can be justified. Where there are specific individual concerns, I will contact you directly.

I thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Beverley Pawson
