Wrap Around Care
Both schools offer wrap around care in school in addition to independent local providers who can provide collections at the end of the school day. These are led by parental need and are in no way fixed. The care can be changed according to need and financial viability.
At Sand Hutton there is a breakfast club from 7:45
Cost £5.50 and includes breakfast
There is also after school provision at £11 per session, Monday – Thursday. This provides care until 6pm and includes a light snack.
Please note on Friday’s the cost is £6.00, as the club only runs until 4.45pm
At Warthill there is a breakfast club from 8:00
Cost £5.50 and includes breakfast
Payments for these are through Parent Pay and we do take Child Care Vouchers
School has links with Wrap Around Care Facility. Children can be collected after school at the end of the day.