Newsletter 8th March 2024

Mar 8, 2024

Dear Families,

I hope that you have had as enjoyable a week as we have in both our schools this week. Reading has
been a focus in both our schools, not just because of World Book Day but just because we LOVE it!
We were all so impressed at the homework which was completed and brought to school yesterday
to celebrate our love of reading on World Book Day. As always when creative tasks are set, we are
blown way by the ideas and care put into projects. Well done everyone! This isn’t the only READING
celebration I wanted to share with you today. We have a visitor from the Local Authority yesterday
who was excited as we are about the number of children in school who have earned their Blue Peter
Badge for reading! Across both schools we must have broken some sort of record for percentage of
pupils with this particular Blue Peter Badge. If there are any children who missed the application
date, remember that you can still apply yourself and join the reading gang!

I should share with you ahead of the Big Help out day that we are being supported by Bio Diversity
UK in developing outdoor areas. This is something that will benefit both sites and is also supporting
our Forest Schools offer. In the initial roll out, we are looking forward to receiving bird and bat boxes
as well as Violets to be planted as these are important contributors towards the habitat of a
particular moth. There are more exciting ideas in the pipeline and I will share these with you as they

I would like to confirm some dates with you for the last couple of weeks of the Spring terms.
Parents’ Evenings: Sand Hutton, Thursday 14th March, Warthill, Tuesday 19th March.
Easter Services: Both will take place on Thursday 21st March in respective churches: Warthill 9am,
Sand Hutton 2pm

Tracking back a little to last Friday when many of our children visited a stadium for the first time and
went to watch the Men’s International Rugby Team train….we made the papers! We have tweeted
it, but you can also find a photo on the York Press page and although it doesn’t say who we are, you
might recognize some faces in the crowd! There are some other tweets you may have missed! If you
don’t follow us already @sand_warthill.

I have a collection of pictures of all kinds to share with you. I will gather these into a picture fest next
week and send them all out together!
Have a lovely weekend,
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools