7th July 2023

Jul 7, 2023

Dear Families,

Welcome to the end of another week in the life of our schools!

First of all I need to say what a wonderful Summer Fair we had at Warthill last weekend. Despite the weather looking a little dubious, the rain held off and we enjoyed a chilled afternoon, avoiding getting too wet in the water fight at the end! Junior Class your fiver challenges were fabulous! Thank you to all who contributed in any way. We really appreciate it!

If you haven’t already, please would you return the information about Street Day to each school office as soon as you are able. We still need to determine numbers for return to Warthill and decide whether a coach for the return journey is necessary. To pay for tickets, there is the facility to do this on ParentPay now. We look forward to seeing lots of you there at 3pm.  Thank you to those who recommended Ice Cream Vans, I have called and secured an ice cream van for next week! GREAT NEWS! Mine’s a 99!

You will be aware that transition for our new starters is taking place over these two weeks and children are getting to know their new teachers and/or class spaces. One further change, I should mention is that Mr Holmes will not be with us next year; Mrs Drysdale will be taking over the delivery of PE on Mondays. We are having a collection for him, so if you would like to contribute to this, you can send money in to either school office. We will be presenting him with a gift on Monday 17th July. I know we will miss him very much as he has been a member of the school team for many years now.

As we head into our final couple of weeks of the school year, I would like to remind you of Leaver Assembly dates. Both schools are holding these on Thursday 20th July: Warthill at 9am in church and Sand Hutton at 2pm at school. Everyone is welcome. And while we are talking about Leavers, Year 6 don’t forget ‘I’m a Year 6 Leaver, Get Me Out of Here’ takes place at Sand Hutton next Friday evening at 6pm!

Be ready for your trials and challenges (and maybe a little pizza!)


Have a lovely weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson

Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools