6th October 2023

Oct 6, 2023

Dear Families,

I hope that you have had a lovely week. We have been busy again in both our schools and are well into the swing of the Autumn Term. In Class 3 at Sand Hutton the children are incredibly excited that he author of the book they are studying has replied to their tweet, TWICE! Fabulous!

Our ‘sharings’ for October could be covered through our Harvest services but we would like to welcome you to further opportunities to meet together:  Warthill on Friday 13th  and Sand Hutton on Friday 20th October. We hope to see you there!

As mentioned in a previous newsletter, we are aiming to collect items for the shoebox Christmas appeal again this year.  (If you have any shoeboxes, these would be a great start!) You will be recovering a leaflet in book bags which contains information about the charity and shares a list items we would like to collect. The children have also had an assembly about this. We collect items over the next few weeks and then the children work in teams to choose the contents for their box and wrap it. The boxes will then be taken to Gate Helmsley Church to be blessed before beginning their journey to Romania. Thank you in advance for your support. The children enjoy doing this and it helps them to understand the importance of helping others.

We would also like to give you some advance notice for an event/week of activities in November. Nationally this event is  called ‘Anti-Bullying Week’. This year the organisers are using the slogan, ‘Make Some Noise for Anti-Bullying’ As a federation we feel that the activities they promote are incredibly valuable however we have had discussions about the emphasis on a negative word such as ‘bullying’. While we will be participating in activities, we have decided to accentuate the positive and our week will be called ‘Raise the Roof for Respect’. We will be addressing the issue of bullying but focusing on the behaviour we would like to see which is respect.  I thought it important that everyone was aware of the thinking behind our decision.

I would also like to send out a reminder of a couple of dates so that you can plan ahead. FOWs are having their Bags 2 School collection on Thursday 19th October, if you are clearing out cupboards and ….. Sand Hutton PTA are still looking for volunteers for their Big Autumn Help Out event on Sunday 22nd October, if you are available to support.

Finally, with the newsletter this week, we have a Sand Hutton pupil who is displaying her own Courageous Advocacy and a love for animals. (Emily, we are very proud of you!)  Please click on the link in the email for further information.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend. I believe that there will be a brief return to summer, especially on Saturday!


With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools