Dear Families,
I hope you have had a good week. Both our schools have been busy places as usual and in looking ahead to the week before half term I can see more busy fun to come.
Next week it is Children’s Mental Health Week and there will be a focus on this across the federation. Linked to this is Safer Internet Day. This will give us further opportunity to reinforce messages we give as part of our PSHE and Computing Curriculum on staying safe online. As the focus on Mental Health is having a voice and expressing oneself, children are able to wear something they love on Friday.
Please don’t forget to send in the homework project for this half term which is promoting acts of kindness, marrying with one of our core school values. I can’t wait to find out all the different ways our children have made a difference by thinking of others.
In addition, Junior Class are off to the Chocolate Story next week and we know they will have a super time. (I expect gifts on chocolate on your return, children!)
And finally, a little heads up from Miss Heffernan about Word Book Day:
World Book Day 2024
This year, WBD is on Thursday 7th March. In school we will be celebrating in classes in lots of different ways. We will have a Secret Reader coming to class and as always, classes will share their reading with one another.
As part of the celebrations, our homework next half term will be WBD related. With it being a short half term, we are writing to tell you our plans now, so that you may choose to complete the activity in the half term holidays, especially should it be a rainy one!
After the success of last year’s shoebox challenge, this year we are asking all pupils to create a scene from their favourite book, using an egg! This could be placed in a box or on a stand.
Pupils will be shown plenty of images in class for inspiration but we know how creative you all are and expect to see some amazing work.
Creations should be brought into school on Thursday 7th March so that we can celebrate the work in school.
Happy creating!
Miss Heffernan
Have a super weekend everyone!
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools