2nd December 2022

Dec 2, 2022

Dear Families,

It is December and beginning to look a lot like Christmas in our schools.

The first of our Nativities will be at Warthill next week. We are so looking forward to this being in church with all of you. The children are impressing me with their incredible singing but I have managed to not see the production yet so I am looking forward to seeing it for the first time on Wednesday with you.

The Sand Hutton Nativity will be the following week. Both schools have two performances so as to ensure that as many family members as possible can make the event. We try to make the evening performance early enough to not impact on bedtime and ask you to try to get your children to both so that other children aren’t having to step in to cover roles at the last minute. This means everyone will share the same performance quality. Thank you.

I believe that the tickets for the Sand Hutton raffle will be available from next week and I know that there are some great prizes. I hope to see many of you on Friday evening at the Christmas fair event.

On Monday we have a theatre company coming to Sand Hutton for the whole federation. Warthill pupils will be back in time for usual pick up but it will be the whole school travelling over on Monday and not just the Junior children.

And finally, (not Christmassy) a date for your diaries. An additional bank Holiday has been announced for the Coronation of the King on Monday 8th May. Schools will be closed on that day. However, those of you with pupils in Year 6, may have realised that this clashes with the KS2 SATS. These are national tests and all pupils take these tests on the same day, nationwide. It has been decided that all tests will be postponed by one day and so the Spelling and Grammar will now be on Tuesday, the Reading on Wednesday and the Maths tests on Thursday and Friday mornings.

Wishing you a lovely weekend and hoping you have Christmas fun in the planning,

With every best wish

Beverley Pawson

Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools