27th October 2023

Nov 9, 2023

Dear Families,

Happy Half Term Everyone!

I think it has been a long half term and everyone, mostly the children, is ready for it! As it was Harvest in both our schools this week and Harvest is about giving thanks and showing appreciation, I thought it was vital for me to show my gratitude to both our school communities for all that you do. This last couple of weeks has really symbolised the strength of the federation and we have seen


lived out in all its glory.

Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made donations or gave willingly of their time at the second Big Help Out at Sand Hutton. I know that the PTA has shared photos and thanks but I wished to add mine. The woodland setting and Class 1 outside area in particular have been utterly transformed. It was a great day and everyone enjoyed seeing the fruits of their labours at the end.

Secondly, a huge thank you all for the donations you sent for our Christmas Box appeal. Collectively we packed and wrapped 60 boxes which will be blessed and sent on their journeys after the half term. As always it was an incredibly heart-warming event and the children absolutely love it! I feel so pleased that we were able to contribute so much to this appeal. Thank you all.

I know that our Harvest Services were enjoyed by many and that visitors to these gave gifts of money in the collection for the foodbank. Collectively this has totalled approximately two hundred pounds which is incredible. Thank you again!

I know that you have received information separately about the book fair. We benefit in our schools for any purchases made so if you have Christmas presents to buy for, we would really appreciate any purchases made through the fairs, one in each school.

We are also looking forward to Miss Templeman returning to Class 3 at Sand Hutton each Friday for the rest of the autumn term, as a qualified member of teaching staff in her ECT year.

Finally, some sadder news. Some of you may be aware that we won’t have Miss Smythe after the half term holiday as she has a new and exciting job elsewhere. Sadly, we will also be losing Mrs Hall before Christmas. She has worked for us for a really long time and the children all love her lunches. We will miss her at Sand Hutton as she is our server as well as our chef! However, we know she is excited about what is around the corner for her.

Before the disco here at Sand Hutton fills the building with fun (and Noise), I wish you all a lovely break and look forward to seeing everyone back on November 6th, full of beans and ready to work hard. Please stay safe at the various Halloween and Bonfire plans you may have.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools