26th January 2024

Jan 26, 2024

Dear Families,

Happily, both our schools have remained unscathed in the high winds with only a tiny tile casualty at Sand Hutton which has been fixed. It seems we can look forward to a pleasant weekend weather wise.

Following a Sand Hutton PTA meeting last night there is some information coming your way regarding an event to support mental health week. This will be shared at the next Sand Hutton sharing along with the act of kindness homework and a Save the date for the next Big Help Out. This will take place on Sunday 17th March and we would appreciate any time you are able to give. There will of course be more details to follow. To support Children’s Mental Health Week, children will be given a piece of paper chain to write a message of kindness to another. Finally, on Friday 9th February, children can wear something they ‘love to wear’ instead of school uniform for the day. This can apply to children in both schools.

I have another thank you to FOWs this time. Before Christmas the children took part in the Lakeland Challenge. In addition to the sponsorship money, which is still arriving, we have received a parcel of fabulous non fiction books! We were able to reveal these to the children in sharing assembly this morning and they are really excited. They look fabulous! Thank you!

Today, I was going to remind you about the free lunch we are being provided with next week. However, I have moved the date of this due to circumstances beyond my control. The free lunch will now take place on Friday 9th February. Please put this amendment in your diaries.

If you haven’t returned the form for the Junior Class visit for the Chocolate Story, please can I remind you to do so. This visit is scheduled for February 7th. It is only a very short half term and so we are squeezing as much is as we can!

I would like to wish you all a lovely weekend and I believe we may have a proper spring like day on Sunday. Enjoy!

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools