25th November 2022

Dec 1, 2022

Dear Families,

Welcome to another newsletter. These seem to come round faster every week somehow. Maybe it is because we seem to be packing in so much in the approach to Christmas.

We were all very disappointed at Sand Hutton this week when the visit from the Bird of Prey Centre was postponed. I know how excited the children were about this (and the adults) and it was such short notice. Bird Flu restrictions affected their plans but they will rearrange as soon as regulations allow. We are looking forward to hearing from them.

Years 3 and 4 at Warthill enjoyed a sporting outing at Archbishop Holgate. Dodgeball was the order of the day. Mrs Naylor and Mrs Porritt took the group of 10 children who came back full of their morning. They also returned victorious! Well done Team Warthill!  Also at Warthill this week there was a reading meeting. In this meeting Mrs Wilson and Mrs Liston were able to talk through the ways in which we use phonics to teach early reading.  I hope that it was helpful to all those who attended.

We are of course busy planning for all manner of Christmas events. Both Sand Hutton PTA and FOWs have events pending; please don’t miss out on these. We will be sending more information about the Nativities planned in both settings so look out for information about these.

This is also the time of year when I look forward to my TWO Christmas dinners! This is quite a perk! Christmas Dinner is a fine spread and we make the meal special by decorating tables and in past years buying crackers. We have decided that we won’t buy crackers this year partly as a money saving move but more on an environmental level. Crackers create an immense amount of waste for no real purpose/impact and so we have decided that children will make party hats from recycled/waste paper and the older children will be responsible for generating jokes. We do hope you understand and support this decision.

Finally, I must finish with Congratulations to Alice for her wonderful performance in Oliver. Mrs Naylor, Mrs Jones and I thoroughly enjoyed watching her have the time of her life on stage. We know that it is the end of the run this weekend but we know she will back for more. Well done Alice!

And on that happy note, have a great weekend.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools