24th June 2024

Jun 26, 2024

Dear Families,

This is a somewhat delayed Friday newsletter as Friday proved to be an exceptionally busy day at the end of an extremely full week.

Last week was one of those weeks when I felt incredibly lucky to have the job I have. This is not because I spent one day on the beach and one day at the wildlife park….although this was a real bonus. However, my feelings of good fortune were linked to these two days out. I was privileged to take two separate schools of well-behaved, well-mannered and appreciative children out and about. Both days out were filled with joy!

On the beach, we had fun building castles and making sand sculptures, Year 6 tried to dig the biggest hole possible and Mrs Naylor created her own stegosaurus. We finished our day with a paddle and I discovered that the sea was not nearly as cold as I had imagined! That doesn’t mean I would want to swim in it though! The children made us all fell very proud! Thank you FOWS for the opportunity to have this experience together.

At the wildlife park, we had a full timetable: workshops, playground fun, animal spotting and lunch in the sunshine. This was a venue that staff learned existed for the first time and we cannot wait to go back! The animals, especially the otters, kept us entertained! (For any children who didn’t know, the otters got their lunch in the end and were quiet once more!) Staff commented on the children’s excellent behaviour. Thank you, PTA, for the opportunity for us to have this experience together!

At Warthill last week we said goodbye to Mr Craven, after he joined us on the beach. Then on Friday we had the first of our ceramic’s days, creating wildlife tiles for the back fence. I can’t wait to see the finished versions! They are looking super. Well done everyone!

So, to this week. After all the worrying about whether the field would be dry enough for Sports’ Day, we are now facing a heat warning. I have looked at the temperature for Wednesday and the field and have decided that since it will be an afternoon event only, it will go ahead on Wednesday afternoon. The children will be in the shade by the hedge. However, please send sun screen and hats as well as additional water. They will only need to leave the shade for a race at a time and then return to their shaded mats. Parents, however, will be on the sunny side of the tracks. Should you wish to bring shade/parasols etc, we are very happy for you to do so. Managing the forecast seems to a better option than postponing and risking a reserve day being rained off.

I hope you have a lovely week and enjoy the sunshine which has taken such a long time coming!

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools