22nd December 2023

Dec 22, 2023

Dear Families,

We have made it to the end of a very long Autumn Term. Happy Christmas to you all!

We have had a lovely week and our schools have been very Christmassy! This week it was the turn of Warthill pupils to share their nativity. Fireside Nativity was entirely new to me this year and the children did a marvellous job, supported by the adults in school, to deliver two beautiful performances. Such complicated songs and a gentle tale of the Christmas story. Well done!

Both schools have enjoyed their Christmas Craft Days which I know the children really look forward to. I hope that you have many new decorations for your trees. My children still enjoy seeing their creations emerge from the decoration box each Christmas, even if they don’t always make it on to the tree!

Thank you to FOWs and PTA for their fund-raising events at this busy time of year. Both were a runaway success and we all know how much our children benefit from money for extras these generate. Thank you for supporting the Christmas Fair at Sand Hutton and the Lakeland Challenge at Warthill. Can I also remind you that clothing bins in both of our school provide a funding stream and so if you are planning a Spring Clean, please consider using these.

Many thanks for all the contributions to the Nursery Consultation letter. The response was really supportive and I think I have answered questions where they were asked. This means that we can move to the next stage and approach families to see how many sessions might interest them and give a clearer indication of how the process works so that we can open to these children after Easter.

Before I finish with festive messages, a random note of precaution. I have noticed a few children having whole grapes in packed lunches. I have quartered these, as these constitute a choking hazard and I have followed guidance to chop these up. However, I thought it was a good time of year to remind about the risks some food present to choking. Grapes are one of these but others can be found here:       https://capt.org.uk/

I know that Christmas is a busy time for families and I would like to thank you and send thanks on behalf of staff for all Christmas wishes, cards and generous gifts, be they personal or for the staff room. We are all aware how lucky we are. We would like to send you our most sincere Christmas wishes. Have a very Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing everyone Happy, Healthy and Ready to Learn on Tuesday 9th January.

Festive wishes,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools