20th January 2023

Jan 20, 2023

Dear Families,

I hope that you have had a joyful week with this crisp winter sunshine. I have even had snow at home…not enough to make a snowman though!

Our children have all had a super week with lots of hard work and fun in all our classes. At Warthill, the Infant Class have been looking at pointillism in Art and reproducing pictures on their computers. They look great! The Junior Class are anticipating being incredible detectives as they begin their new History Unit on World War 2…..( I think we should get them together with Class 3 at Sand Hutton! This is the unit they covered last term.) Great work all!

Class 1 at Sand Hutton have been enjoying getting to know Miss Branston, Mr Macfall and Miss Rodgers. Their classroom is fun filled and the Year 1 children have produced some fabulous writing this week. I know they are looking forward to their visit to Tropical World net week. In Class 2 there is always a learning buzz. They enjoyed their role play on the lost sheep and there are some great photographs to prove it! Finally, Class 3 have produced some incredible writing on a creature from their imagination. Their vocabulary choices were outstanding! Well done everyone!

I am sure that you are aware of pending teacher strikes from the news. At the moment the dates I have been made aware of are February 1st and 28th and March 15th and 16th. These proposed strikes involve one union at present although this could change. I have no reason to believe that these strikes will impact either school at this time. Should this change, I will alert you as soon as I am able. However, it is worth understanding that those who exercise their right strike have no obligation to give advance warning of their decision.

I said that I would give February sharing dates in this letter. At Warthill this will be February 3rd at 9am and the following week, February 10th at Sand Hutton. In March,  Warthill’s will be 3rd March and Sand Hutton the 10th March.

Finally, a heads up that we have another couple of trips in the offing. Class 3 will be visiting Howsham Mill on Tuesday 31st January and the Junior Class at Warthill are looking forward to the Elvington Air Museum (especially Arthur!!)

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools