1st December 2023

Dec 1, 2023

Dear Families,
I hope you have enjoyed the snow this week and haven’t been too adversely affected.
There are some key bits of information to share with you today. Firstly, we are really sad to say that
today has been Heidi Hall’s last day in our kitchen. We know she is just as sad as we are and we have
given her a fabulous send off today!
More news, delivered with sadness today is it say that Mrs Madge is not well and will not return
until after the New Year. We are sending love and we wish her speedy recovery. In her absence, she
will be covered by Mr Lee, who has already been getting to know the junior children at Warthill this
In better news I am really pleased to announce the return of our once popular Talking Tuesdays. This
is designed to encourage positive conversation over lunch with the added advantage of storytelling
with small groups. These will begin after the Christmas break. If you would like to attend, you don’t
need to make a commitment to every week. If you would like to join in, you simply contact school to
book and pay for a lunch on the day you would like to take part and we will assign you a seat. After
eating lunch, you can choose a story to read with children inside or outside. Adults and children
enjoyed these sessions pre-covid and it is time they returned.
Thank you for any foodbank donations you have already made. Just to remind you, there will be a
collection point beside the Sand Hutton clothing bin or you can bring into either school office.
Talking of clothing bins, we have also had one installed at Warthill. If you are planning on any spring
clear outs, please consider donating to this. It is the same as Bags2school but entirely at your
convenience. It has proven to be a very welcome additional funding stream at Sand Hutton.
We look forward to continuing to celebrate Christmas in a variety of ways over the next few weeks.
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools