18th September 2023

Sep 18, 2023

Dear Families,
Apologies that today’s newsletter has been delayed.
Despite the weather not looking favourable at the beginning of last week, we managed our Morning
of Sport at Warthill following a lovely first sharing assembly. The children had clearly had busy
summers with lots to show and be proud of. We had our first Corinthian Ambassadors who were
presented with medals which they will exchange for new medals when they arrive. Well done! We
hope to be able to repeat this at Sand Hutton in a couple of weeks’ time. Mrs Drysdale put the
groups of children through their paces, running, throwing, jumping etc. As ever, it was a pleasure to
see our older children looking after the younger ones and our newest pupils. Keep your fingers
crossed for the weather on September 29th at Sand Hutton.
On Saturday we help an open morning in both schools. Thank to everyone who came and supported
these. We felt that the event was a success and intend to hold another, next half term, but this time
in the early evening, to accommodate working parents. I have had lots of offers of help in advertising
and raising the profile of our schools. Many thanks.
This week, our Year 5 and 6 children will be heading off to Robinwood on their residential visit. Mrs
Madge, Mrs Naylor and Mr Mackfall will be accompanying them. Miss Heffernan will be teaching the
remaining Year 4 children with the 3 and 4 children at Warthill. So often our Warthill children visit
Sand Hutton and this gives them an opportunity to be hosts. I know they will make the Sand Hutton
children (and Miss Heffernan) very welcome!
Tomorrow is school photo day so please remember school uniform etc. Alongside this letter there is
a list of dates we already have in our diary. This is included on that list along with Harvest and
Christmas events. These do have to be confirmed with church and so they are provisional at this
Finally, I hope you enjoyed your weekend. I did notice the drive to school this morning was distinctly
darker (not to mention wetter!) It is a good job the children are still full of the joys of Spring!
With every best wish,
Beverley Pawson
Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools