18th October 2024

Oct 23, 2024

Dear Families,


What a lovely week we have had again!

We managed to find a brief window of sunshine on Saturday for our BIG HELP OUT at Sand Hutton.


We managed to get lots of weeding, planting, clearing and tidying done before the heavens opened and we all got soaked! Thank you to everyone who braved the weather and got stuck in!

Then on Monday, there was with a cinema night provided by the FOWS at Warthill. The children enjoyed cosying up with a film and snacks. What a lovely evening activity! Thank you for organising this FOWS, we know how much the children enjoy these events.

On Tuesday we had our first Parents’ Evening at Warthill and this was accompanied by the Book Fair. It was great to chat with so many of you at the Fair and thank you to anyone who purchased anything. This is a fundraising opportunity for us. Your purchases mean that we have a further amount to spend on books for school.

This Parents’ Evening and Book Fair combination is to be repeated at Sand Hutton next week. We are looking forward to seeing you. There are some great deals on the Book Fair too if you are coming along.

Next week is our Wonderful Me Well-Being week. As I explained last week, this will include the filling of the shoe boxes for Christmas. Please could I remind you to send items into schools for these as per the leaflet received. I will be collecting some toiletries and socks that can be split up over the weekend too. The children get so much from this activity. Thank you in advance for your support. We will also be celebrating the ways in which we are all unique; this takes many different forms. Being unique is a superpower that we will be asking children to share with one another. Warthill children will also be able to look forward to the Sensory Den which is coming for the day on Thursday (thank you FOWS)….I’m really excited about that too!

I would also like to remind all families that next week school closes for half term on Thursday 24th October. Staff will be undertaking training on Friday. We will re-open on Monday 4th November at the usual time. The Friday of that week will be the next Sharing Assembly for Warthill so please join us!

Finally, a request. Sand Hutton will have a Christmas Tree in the Minster this December. We will be decorating this on a woodland theme. If you are out and about over half term, we would be grateful for any sycamore keys and acorns (dried) that you can collect for us. Once these are fully dry, we have plans to turn these into really unique tree decorations, but we need lots! Thank you in advance!

Have a lovely weekend……between the showers!

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools