16th June 2023

Jun 16, 2023

Dear Families,

We hope that you have all been able to enjoy the glorious weather and the even bigger hope is that

we hold on to it for Sports’ Day on Monday! Keep everything tightly crossed. Please send children

with hats for sun protection and either cream for them to apply or give them a generous layer in the

morning! In the afternoon there will be a range of cold drinks available for which a cash donation

would be most welcome. There will also be a range of Body Shop products to be raffled. Tickets will

be £1 a strip. Hope to see many of you there and we can enjoy a fun afternoon as a Federation.

There have been pirates in Class 1 at Sand Hutton this week. They even made me walk the plank. It

has produced something fabulous writing and map creating. The pirates may be back next week too

so beware!

A couple of dates as a reminder.

Sand Hutton 24th June PTA Summer Event

Warthill 2nd July FOWS Summer Fair

At Warthill there is a disco planned to see the Year 6 children off on their secondary school

adventures. The Warthill Leavers’ Disco is on Friday 21st July at Sand Hutton Village Hall. The times

are 17. 00 until 19.00. Food is being provided for the children and there will be tea and coffee

provided for accompanying adults. Any donations for tea and coffee will be welcomed by FOWS.

I am also writing to share some cost increases for next term. Breakfast Club will increase to £5.50 and

After School Club to £11. School dinners have caused us quite some concern and debate. At the

moment the school budget heavily subsidises school meals and this is having an impact on other

areas of school finance. After considerable discussion, the Governing Body and I have concluded that

we should increase the price per meal to £3. While I recognise that this is quite a jump, it is still below

the actual cost per meal that we are charged through the school meal service. While I know that you

will understand the need to increase charges, it is absolutely vital that you know you can come to me

or other members of staff to discuss matters should this cause any issue in family finances.

Finally, I wish you all a sunshine filled weekend,

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools