14th June 2024

Jun 14, 2024

Dear Families,

We have had an exciting week in our schools and we are looking forward to some adventures next week!

Two lots of sharing assemblies has meant that we have been able to celebrate our children, in and out of school. If you haven’t already seen, please look on our X account and see the sculpture photos which have had a response from the Tate Modern Gallery. Well done Class 3 and Mrs Rodgers. Great work!

This week, at Warthill, we have found out about the ceramics project. We are beginning to make a new tile panel on our back fence. We are really excited about how this will look and we have already started thinking up the designs on our minibeast theme. Ceramics Day 1 is next Friday!

At Sand Hutton we were visited by the ‘bubble lady’ from York University Chemistry Department. After an assembly with captivated everyone, children worked with ‘bubbles’ of all things! The floor is gradually recovering. I hope that you heard all about it at home.

Through the letter box at Warthill yesterday we received a piece of History. A beautiful stitch sampler, completed by a pupil from our school in 1885. It came with a card and gave us a little census information but no return address so we will have to investigate for ourselves. The family name is Hopper and Wilson from Stockton on the Forest. If you can shed any light on our mystery, please feel free to add to the information we already have!

Please save the dates for our summer fair weekend of fun. Sand Hutton will be holding theirs on Saturday 6th July and Warthill on Sunday 7th July. I have booked lovely weather…..there must be some coming soon!

We have been looking ahead to next year and planning for both our schools as we will have slightly uneven groupings across year groups. This said, we have decided, in order to ensure that the broad and balanced curriculum continues to be effective, that children move into new classes in the way they have been doing. Eg.Warthill children in Year 2 will move to the Junior Class and at Sand Hutton, children in Year 2 will move to Class 2 and those in Year 4 to Class 3. However, because of numbers and individual need and considering the best use of adults to support, there may be different grouping created to meet need across different aspects of the curriculum. This is what we already do in phonics groups and so our children are used to this.

Finally, please visit this link to win books for our library. Here is a message from Miss Heffernan.


  Above I have pasted a link to a comp for us to win up to £1000 of National Book Tokens for our library! 

 It takes a couple of seconds to complete. Feel free to ask family and friends complete it too.


All that remains is for me to wish you all a happy weekend.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools