13th September 2024

Sep 13, 2024

Dear Families,

I hope that you have already settled into, or back into, the school routine. We have certainly been very pleased to welcome so many families back either informally at the beginning and end of days or if you attended either of the Flying Start events. These were really well attended in both settings and it gives opportunities to ask those questions that may have come about because your child has had a change of teacher, classroom or routine. All our classrooms are calm and industrious learning spaces already.

You will be aware of an additional letter being sent out with the newsletter today. This is the first of a monthly letter which concentrates solely on helping families to keep up to date with changes, benefits and dangers of using the internet and social media. Apps and online platforms change so rapidly that even we, as part of our day to day job, struggle to identify what has changed, what is beneficial to use and what might present challenges or dangers to our young people online. For this reason, I have signed up to a subscription which keeps us up to date for and highlights the areas which we should be most alert to. As part of this subscription, families also receive a monthly letter with the most pressing issues for that month. Later in the year, there will be an information meeting for parents too. I hope that you can already see, in this first letter, how useful this will be.

I can see on my Asda Rewards App, that people are starting to contribute to our cashpots. As of now, Sand Hutton has a pot of £75 and Warthill will have £52 once the Asda contribution is acknowledged.  There are still 78 earning days left, so this really could be money for nothing. It is really easy to sign up to the Rewards App and then you chose the school and shop as normal. Money is allocated to school cashpots for us to spend when the offer ends.

I am sorry to have to increase lunch prices again this year. I am working on a way with the LA that we can merge with other settings to bring these down. This is where our rural location works against us I’m afraid. The lunch price will increase to £3.25 from the 1st October, but please contact me if this causes any financial difficulties and we will manage the situation, in confidence, together.

Finally, some date reminders:

Wednesday 18th September: School photos. At Sand Hutton, pre-school siblings joining family photos to arrive at 8.30. At Warthill, siblings for photos should arrive at 1pm.

Thursday 26th September: Early Harvest at Warthill. 9am at church.

Finally, Mrs Roughley is intending on putting in the final numbers for Young Voices next week. If you would like your child to sign up, and haven’t yet done so, (Years 3-6), please let her know on 01904 468308 before the end of the week. If anyone still needs further details about this, ask in either school office or speak to me or Mrs Naylor. It is one of our favourite events!

I would like to wish you all a very happy weekend and hope the sun shines.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools