11th November 2023

Nov 10, 2023

Dear Families,

Welcome Back!

I hope you all enjoyed a fun filled half term break. The children were full of stories about their Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations so it certainly sounds like it. We are glad to have everyone return to us after the holiday safe and sound!

Some of you may be aware that we suffered another flood at Sand Hutton over the last week. It wasn’t as disastrous as last time but it still took some considerable time to clean up afterwards. I would like to extend my thanks to staff, parents and residents of Sand Hutton for their help in my absence. I know I am incredibly lucky to have such a strong team support our schools. Thank you to all those who gave up their time.

As we prepare for Remembrance Day, I was fortunate to work with both schools this week creating some artwork on this theme. Please look to the windows in your school to see the beautiful creations linked to Remembrance. They are all stunning. I hope that we might be able to share some with our churches.  I would also like to thank the Bailes family for their gift of a book ‘Stubby’ and the heads up to a beautiful animated film on the same subject. It was extremely kind of you. Thank you! 

Parents Evenings were a pleasant experience for us all too this week. Thank you to all those who attended. If you were unable to attend, please contact your school office to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher. The Book Fair that we ran in conjunction with Parents’ Evening was exceptionally well supported in both schools and up to today, we have around 200 pounds to spend on books for our schools. We are so grateful for this.

I am also sending a separate letter with this newsletter which focuses on attendance and the impact of absence on pupil outcomes. It is for general information and any specific concerns will be shared with individual families directly.

Finally, Congratulations to all the Pet Published Artists from Sand Hutton After School Club! I know that you received certificates in sharing and I can’t wait to see the book!

Well done!

I am looking forward to sharing next Friday at Warthill.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools