10th May 2024

May 14, 2024

Dear Families,

Despite it being a short week, this has been a very busy time for us. You may or may not be aware but we have had significant staff absence and this has impacted on both settings. Some of this i.e. covid, will resolve itself naturally, however, we do have staff members who we anticipate will be absent for a longer period of time. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter and we know that cover staff from agencies, even when available, doesn’t always afford us the same knowledge of home, families and pupils as our own highly skilled staff.

Despite the unexpected changes this week, Class 2 at Sand Hutton were able to go on the visit Mrs Smith planned to FERA. Mr Craven was able to come along too. Our children were praised for their good manner and scientific knowledge and vocabulary by the scientists there. Class 2 you made me very proud!

This morning we enjoyed a sunshiny sharing at Sand Hutton and look forward to repeating this at Warthill next week. In the meantime, Warthill  FOWS have booked exactly the right weekend for their coffee morning, tomorrow at 11am at school. I can’t wait to have an informal catch up and I am very excited to see the miniature gardens the children have been asked to create. Hopefully there will be many families attending to enjoy the sunshine. I should also mention that FOWS have organised a music workshop with the University of York which is booked for July 2nd. We are very excited about this too. Thank you FOWS.

This morning we enjoyed our May sharing at Sand Hutton and next week we will be sharing at Warthill. Please come and join us if you are able.

Finally, a huge sending of best wishes for our Year 6 children in both schools who are looking forward to showing how much they have learned in the SATS tests. We know from experience that while there maybe a little anxiety in the lead up to these initially, children invariable enjoy the process once it begins. We will have reassured your children about this and know that you will do the same. Good Luck Year 6 pupils. We know that you will all do your best and that is the most anyone can ask…I think there are usually a few sweeties on tables too (just for the teachers obviously!)

Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine while it is here.

With every best wish,

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Warthill Federated Schools