10th February 2023

Feb 10, 2023

Dear Families,

Happy Half Term!

We have had quite a half term and this week has continued to be full of enjoyable learning.

Before I mention this week’s events, I must thank the children on behalf of all the adults, who attended and enjoyed Young Voices last Friday. It was a long day but it is always worth the effort as the final event is something difficult to describe unless you have experienced it. We also thought that Heather Small did a pretty good job accompanying us! Well done everyone! And a huge thank you to Mrs Roughley who does an immense amount organising behind the scenes!

Mrs Smith and the School Councill at Sand Hutton have also been busy organising the Dotty for Dogs event at Sand Hutton which was held on Tuesday and she had this to say………

SH School Council wish to send their thanks to all who participated and donated to our ‘Dotty for Dogs’ Day this week. We were certainly left seeing spots with all of the dotty clothing and even some homemade t-shirts! School Council were able to present a slideshow all about the Dog’s Trust during Collective Worship so all of the children knew how they were helping. We all then enjoyed a dotty biscuit at playtime as a thank you. Altogether we have raised £55 which is an amazing amount and will no doubt be very beneficial to the Dog’s Trust.

It has been Mental Health Week this week and all our children have been working on a range of activities to promote positive mental well-being. This has culminated in our ‘express yourself’ day. Children and staff have enjoyed doing this through the wearing of clothes which say something about who they are.

Sadly we say ‘goodbye to Miss Brown and Mrs Healy-Bell who have both been working with classes at Warthill. We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming them to our school and know that children in both classes have benefited from their dedication. We would like to wish them both good luck! Miss Brown (a different one!) remains in Class 2 at Sand Hutton for a little while yet.

We have enjoyed two fabulous Sharing Assemblies in both schools for February. It is so wonderful to see so many family members attend. Thank you to Class 2 today for your amazing vehicle parade. You should all be incredibly proud!

We hope everyone has a safe and fun filled half term break and we look forward to seeing everyone back, fit, healthy and ready to learn on Monday 20th February.

With every best wish

Beverley Pawson


Sand Hutton and Wartill Federated Schools